Muse Paintbar is a Painting Class, Party, and Night Out at a Bar (4.5 stars)
What's better than going to a bar? A painting party at Muse Paintbar, where you learn to paint in a social atmosphere that happens
August 8, 2018
Patriot Place
Mendon Twin Drive-In Theater is a Night Under the Stars (5 stars PLUS)
I have long loved the Mendon Drive-In Theater, so I knew before I came to review it this week that it would fetch high marks. It i
August 3, 2018
Mendon Twin Drive-In
TreeTop Adventures is a Safe, Fun Challenge High in the Trees (5 stars)
Instead of running an obstacle course on the ground, how about taking to the trees at TreeTop Adventures? You put on a harness, ge
August 2, 2018
TreeTop Adventures
You’ll Love to Hate Richard’s Cheating His Way to the Throne in Richard III (4.5 stars)
Richard III, by William Shakespeare, Directed by Steven Maler, Scenic and Lighting Design by Eric Southern, Costume Design by Jess
July 28, 2018
Boston Common
Ceramics Date Night at Brookline Arts Center (4 stars)
Especially in the winter, it's easy to feel that your only choice for going out on the town is a bar or restaurant. Taking an art
July 22, 2018
Brookline Arts Center
Meet Ghosts of the Past in Outdoor Theatre at ‘We The People’ (5 stars)
We The People, which I also reviewed last year (5 stars), is an indoor/outdoor spectacle, a play that takes place all across a far
July 20, 2018
Double Edge Theatre
30 Creative Events for the End of July 2018
Summer is high time for outdoorsy, interactive events, and here are some great recommendations. The Revere Beach Sandcastle Sc
July 19, 2018
Escape the Room’s Clock Tower is a Challenge but Lacks Story (3.5 stars)
Escape the Room is a puzzle adventure, a sort of miniature theme park that takes place in a single room. First, they lock you in t
July 19, 2018
Escape the Room
Whitewater Rafting with Northern Outdoors in Maine (5 stars)
Northern Outdoors is the oldest and best adventure sport destination in upstate Maine, with a focus on whitewater rafting on the K
July 18, 2018
Northern Outdoors
Cruise Boston Harbor in Style with the Pirate Ship Formidable (5 stars)
Boston has several harbor cruises but there's only one HARRRRR-bARRRRr cruise, joining pirates for an adventure aboard the Pirate
July 18, 2018
Rowes Wharf