BostonEVENTS is Boston’s most popular online news source for the arts and travel. Press reviews are below, and find us also on Twitter and Facebook!
ASKC’s Heart of America Star Party
The Astronomical Society of Kansas City (ASKC) is a group of amateur and professional astronomers that meet every month to look at
The Mystery Train – 5 stars
The Mystery Train is the best murder mystery dinner theatre that I've seen, and I've seen a lot. The experience takes place every
BU Delivers Entertaining and Engaging ‘Vagina Monologues’ (4.5 Stars)
The Vagina Monologues - Written by Eve Ensler; Directed by Olivia D'Ambrosio; Scenic Design by Colleen Doty; Lighting Design by Ke
Review: Abington Zombie Apocalypse, Abington, MA (4.5 stars)
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
Barrett’s Haunted Mansion review
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
Spooky World presents Terror in Rhode Island review
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
‘AIDA’ – Music by Elton John. Lyrics by Tim Rice
'AIDA' - Music by Elton John. Lyrics by Tim Rice. Book by Linda Woolverton, Robert Falls and David Henry Hwang. Co-Directors: Me
Weston Irish Festival – 4.5 stars
The Weston Irish Festival is a fantastic three-day event that takes place in and behind two pubs: O'Malley's Pub and the America B
The Edge of Hell, The Beast, Macabre Cinema, Chambers of Poe, and Inteview
In Kansas City, one organization runs four separate Halloween attractions, a total of more than 2 hours of wandering through spook
Events INSIDER: Oct 20-28, 2014
Giveaways & Features
Win: Canobie Lake Screeemfest
If you're brave enough, email giveaways@eventsinside
Strong Performances Drive Emerson’s KING LEAR (4 Stars)
KING LEAR - Written by William Shakespeare; Directed by Bill Buckhurst; Artistic Director Dominic Dromgoole; Costume Design by Lau
Events INSIDER: Oct 13-21, 2014
Giveaways & Features
Win: Canobie Lake Screeemfest
If you're brave enough, email giveaways@eventsinside
Review: Haunting of Hammond Castle, Gloucester, MA (3.5 stars)
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
Review: Haunted Cornfield at Connors Farm, Danvers MA (5 stars)
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
Review: Haunted Happenings, Salem MA (4.5 stars)
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
Review: Cry Innocent!, Salem MA (3.5 stars)
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
Review: Spirit of the Gables, Salem MA (4.5 stars)
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
Review: Legacy of the Hanging Judge, Salem MA (5 stars)
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
Review: Haunted Harbor Cruise, Salem, MA (3.5 stars)
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
Review: Field of Screams, West Greenwich, RI (3.5 stars)
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
Review: 13 Nights at Jiminy Peak, Hancock MA (4 stars)
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
Review: Ghoulie Manor, Taunton MA (4.5 stars)
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
Review: The Roger Williams Park Zoo Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular, Providence, RI (4.5 stars)
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
Review: Dark Manor, Baltic CT (3.5 stars)
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r
Review: The Haunted Graveyard, Bristol CT (5 stars)
Last year, the team from Events INSIDER went on a 10-day Halloween blitz! In October 2013, I visited 28 attractions to bring you r