Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 08/23/06
It's been a year now since I started this blog. Not much has happened. So much for my ideas of Internet groupies and rock star fa
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 08/18/06
The weird event of the week is the New England Boogie, the Skydiving Festival, Aug 17 - Aug 20 at 165 Nashua Road, Pepperell, MA.
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 08/10/06
The Isabella Stuart Garnder Museum is open free tonight August 10th to 8pm. Guided tours, jewelry-making workshops, storytelling,
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 08/02/06
Please see last posting on me starting a company for activity listings. We are now looking for investors, just in small chunks $5
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 07/19/06
The weird event of the week is a Japanese festival, including drumming performance and ships. It's the only Japanese festival I k
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 07/13/06
The weird event of the week is: Disc Golf! It's a sport that's played on a large green like regular golf, except that you use fri
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 07/06/06
Also see yesterday's entry which is also for this week.This just in -- Readercon is this weekend. It's a major science fiction co
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 07/05/06
A number of suitably weird events are happening this weekend!This weekend, July 6-9, check out the Hillsboro Balloon Festival, in
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 06/28/06
Lots of stuff is happening in the city this July 4th weekend. Check one of them out although frankly this is the one weekend when
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 06/22/06
Going straight to the weird! It's the Sandcastle Festival at Hampton Beach in New Hampshire, with the award ceremony happening Ju