Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 06/20/07
Hey-o, What's coming up in New England? Here it is! It's Free Rides Day at the Boston Sailing Center. That's Jun 23, 1-6pm, L
June 20, 2007
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 06/14/07
Hi everyone, This is the scoop on New England activities this week. TONIGHT! Willie Nelson & family perform at the Cape Cod M
June 14, 2007
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 06/07/07
Hey-o, Here's this week's list in fun activities. TONIGHT! Jun 7. Catch the "best of" the The Boston 48 Hour Film Project. Th
June 7, 2007
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 05/17/07 Extra
Hey-o, I forgot one. The weird event of the week is now changed to theAmerican Gerbil Society Show, complete with gerbilolymp
May 17, 2007
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 05/17/07
Hi all, Not a lot weird is happening in New England, but plenty of arty stuff is. The weird event of the week is the "Nest &
May 17, 2007
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 05/10/07
Hey everyone, The Boston 48 Hour Film Project entices directors to create a film in less than 48 hours, and it looks fun so I th
May 10, 2007
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 05/09/07
Hey! What nice weather. Here's what's going on. The weird event of the week is the Boston Zombie March. Over 200 people get
May 9, 2007
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 05/03/07
Hey everyone, Late breaking news, Kinodance is some kind of live dance with movie background and part of the Boston Cyberarts F
May 3, 2007
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 04/26/07
Hi all, Here's what's weird this week in New England. At MIT they have this thing called the "Baker House Piano Drop". Someho
April 26, 2007
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 04/19/07
Hey-o, Oh yes, Anime Boston is this weekend, And EcoExpo at MIT, a festival about greenery, w
April 19, 2007