Events INSIDER is the largest all-digital news magazine for the arts and tourism in New England. We were founded in the Boston Globe as a resident contractor, have been independent since 2015, and are now larger on social media than Boston Globe Events.
Find us on Twitter and Facebook, see our sample reviews, and below are our reviews of attractions, performances, restaurants, hotels, and other travel destinations!
‘Soul Mates’ Finds Life’s Pieces (4 Stars)
Soul Mates" Written by Kirsten Kniseley; Directed by Caroline L. Price; Produced by Boston Actors Theater at The Boston Center for
March 11, 2014
‘The Whale’ Is A Poignant Tale of Connecting (4.5 Stars)
The Whale - Written by Samuel D. Hunter; Directed by David R. Gammons; Produced by SpeakEasy Stage Company at The Roberts Studio T
March 10, 2014
‘Bully Dance’ a Monochromatic Study in Pain (3 Stars)
Bully Dance, written by David Valdes Greenwood, directed by Sarah Gazdowicz. Presented by Argos Productions at Boston Playwrights
March 10, 2014
Events INSIDER: March 10-18, 2014
Giveaways & Features
Win: Bridge Repertory Theater - Hello Again
Got a ticket for either 3/12/or 3/13.
March 10, 2014
Events INSIDER: March 3-11, 2014
Win: Killington Ski Resort Family Packs
We have 2 Family Packs (4 tickets) to give away! Email
March 2, 2014
Sea Change Theatre’s ‘Antigone’ Is Greek Tragedy Done Right (3.5 Stars)
"Antigone" Written by Sophocles; Directed by Jason Schaum; Associate Artistic Director, Staci Skiles Schaum. Produced by Sea Chang
March 1, 2014
New Musical WITNESS UGANDA Educates and Entertains (4 Stars)
WITNESS UGANDA - Created by Matt Gould and Griffin Matthews; Directed by Diane Paulus; Produced by the A.R.T. at the Loeb Drama Ce
February 25, 2014
Movies Not Always Magical For Those in ‘The Flick’ (Four Stars)
The Flick (A New England Premiere) Written by Annie Baker; Directed by Shawn LaCount; Presented by Company One and Suffolk Univers
February 25, 2014
Baby With The Bathwater – A Funny, Absurd Comedy (4 Stars)
Baby With The Bathwater" Written by Christopher Durang; Directed by Lizette M. Morris; Produced by Happy Medium Theatre at The Fac
February 24, 2014
Events INSIDER: Feb 24 – Mar 4, 2014
Giveaways & Features
URO Xtravaganza
One of my favorite shows, hands down. They'll be paying tribute
February 24, 2014