Events INSIDER is the largest all-digital news magazine for the arts and tourism in New England. We were founded in the Boston Globe as a resident contractor, have been independent since 2015, and are now larger on social media than Boston Globe Events.

Find us on Twitter and Facebook, see our sample reviews, and below are our reviews of attractions, performances, restaurants, hotels, and other travel destinations!


5/18 – 5/26: Earthfest, Free Hugs, Soap Box Derby, Bicycle, Helicopter & Car Shows, Star Wars & Ren Faires
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } You may have noticed a change! I'm rebranding my site to Please get t
May 18, 2010
5/18 – 5/26: Earthfest, Free Hugs, Soap Box Derby, Bicycle, Helicopter & Car Shows, Star Wars & Ren Faires
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } You may have noticed a change! I'm rebranding my site to Please get the
May 18, 2010
5/12 – 5/19: Belt Sander Racing, Astronomy Day, Abe Lincoln, British Foot Guards, Open Studios, Vikings, Bird-watching, Ren Faires, & The Titanic Guy!
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } Welcome to the Week in Weird! I'm building a new website! The new look and feel will make it ea
May 12, 2010
5/12 – 5/19: Belt Sander Racing, Astronomy Day, Abe Lincoln, British Foot Guards, Open Studios, Vikings, Bird-watching, Ren Faires, & The Titanic Guy!
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } I'm building a new website! The new look and feel will make it easier to browse, and I'll still f
May 12, 2010
May 4-12: George Romero, Robot Wars, Mothers Day Fests, Star Wars, Ren Faire, NASA’s New Head, and Open Studios
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } You're in luck! The big event of the week happens to come today when I'm writing the blog. Geor
May 4, 2010
May 4-12: George Romero, Robot Wars, Mothers Day Fests, Star Wars, Ren Faire, NASA’s New Head, and Open Studios
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } Welcome to the Week in Weird! Here are this week's top items, and click to see the complete
May 4, 2010
Apr 29 – May 5: Steampunk, Science, Catapult, Art, Gerbil Fests, Open Studios, Silent Rave, & Model Rockets!
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } More free giveaways this week... but you missed out on the free Iron Man 2 preview because you
April 29, 2010
Apr 29 – May 5: Steampunk, Science, Catapult, Art, Gerbil Fests, Open Studios, Silent Rave, & Model Rockets!
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } More free giveaways this week... but you missed out on the free Iron Man 2 preview because you we
April 29, 2010
4/22 This Just In: Free Robin Hood movie TODAY, Rubber Chicken Toss World Record, etc.
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } Yesterday I posted to the Facebook group about this sneak preview to Robin Hood, starring Russell
April 22, 2010
4/22 This Just In: Free Robin Hood movie TODAY, Rubber Chicken Toss World Record, etc.
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } Yesterday I posted to the Facebook group about this sneak preview to Robin Hood, starring Russell
April 22, 2010