February 20-28, 2012: Oscars, Circus & Johnny Cash & Blood Rose Rising giveaways, Stephen Tobolowsky, Thomas Jefferson re-enactment, and tons of winter festivals!
02/20/12 by
Johnny Monsarrat
This Week in Review

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you have to stay indoors! This week I list a ton of outdoorsy park and night hike events, plus the usual fantastic giveaways, including a Johnny Cash tribute.
I hope you are having an awesome week. Now get out there and do something fun!
The Week in Weird

Bohemian Bacchanalia – tix giveaway
I’ve seen the Boston Circus Guild and their for-adults acts are nation-class. You really have to see it at Club Oberon, where everything is magic. And I have a pair of tickets to give away for each night! Email johnny@eventsINSIDER.com to win and let me know which nights work for you. (Click ‘more’ for details)I’ve seen the Boston Circus Guild and their for-adults acts are nation…
Club Oberon, 2 Arrow Street, Cambridge, MA
Club Oberon, 2 Arrow Street, Cambridge, MA

Ring Of Fire – Johnny Cash Tribute – tix give…
Would you like to know what’s crazy? I’ve always disliked Johnny Cash because of his criminal thing, but it turns out — just looked it up — he was never a criminal. Ha! Okay, he is officially awesome. I have four tickets to give away for this tribute show! Email johnny@eventsINSIDER.com. 7:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Would you like to know what’s crazy? I’ve always disliked Johnny Cash …
23 Patriot Place, Foxboro, MA
23 Patriot Place, Foxboro, MA

Blood Rose Rising – tix giveaway
I love serialized shows like 24 and The Walking Dead because the story doesn’t end. Now a local troupe is applying the concept to a Murder Mystery Theatre! Each show advances the story, you can order dinner, and you watch the performances you don’t catch live online. GO SUPPORT RISK-TAKING THEATRE! I have two pairs of tickets to give away, email johnny@eventsINSIDER.com. (Click ‘more’ for details)I love serialized shows like 24 and The Walking Dead because the s…
Davis Square Theater, 255 Elm St., Somerville, MA
Davis Square Theater, 255 Elm St., Somerville, MA

Will the Mentalist – ticket giveaway
Will is a stage magician and expert in sleight-of-hand and psychological illusions! (And he doesn’t pretend to have New Age-y powers, despite the term ‘mentalist’.) I’ve got 4 tickets to give away for the 7:30pm show, and there is also a 9:30pm show! Email johnny@eventsINSIDER.com to win. (Click ‘more’ for details)Will is a stage magician and expert in sleight-of-hand and p…
Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville, MA

The New England Home Show – tix giveaway
If you own a home, here’s where you can learn about remodeling, decorating, and housewares — they’ll have an entire crafts show. It’s the largest home show in New England. And I have two pairs of tix to give away. Email johnny@eventsINSIDER.com to win. (Click ‘more’ for details)If you own a home, here’s where you can learn about remodeling, decor…
Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, MA
Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, MA

Stephen Tobolowsky, Character Actor
You’ll recognize Stephen Tobolowsky from character roles in dozens of movies, like the Klan leader in Mississippi Burning and Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day. I subscribe to his podcast where he tells remarkably touching and engaging stories from his Hollywood life that make you laugh and think. Trust me, you NEED to see him perform this week! And check out his podcast, too. 7pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)You’ll recognize Stephen Tobolowsky from character rol…
Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard Street, Brookline, MA
Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard Street, Brookline, MA

Sean Faircloth – Attack of the Theocrats
The Secular Coalition for America is the political group of the anti-religious movement, and Sean Faircloth is their Executive Director. Come hear him lecture about how religions demand control over laws and politics. 1:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)The Secular Coalition for America is the political group of the anti-religious mo…
12 Eliot St, Cambridge, MA
12 Eliot St, Cambridge, MA

Presidents’ Family Festival Day
Come see presidential re-enactors, Tue Feb 21, and the entire school vacation week is full of activities like arts and crafts and ice cream. The JFK Museum is great to visit anytime — interactive and interesting — and you can even try giving a presidential speech from their podium. (Click ‘more’ for details)Come see presidential re-enactors, Tue Feb 21, and the entire school…
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, Boston, MA
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, Boston, MA

Attleboro Winter Night Festival
Oh Attleboro Carnival, you had me at Snowzilla, the giant toboggan run. They’ll have a bonfire, drummers, and fire jugglers, and it’s free! 5-9pm. Rain date the next day. (Click ‘more’ for details)Oh Attleboro Carnival, you had me at Snowzilla, the giant toboggan run. T…
Attleboro Museum, 86 Park St, Attleboro, MA
Attleboro Museum, 86 Park St, Attleboro, MA

Westford Winterfest

Welcome to Our House’ A Living History Tour
I can’t resist re-enactments. This one takes place at the home of the author of Little Women and actors give tours portraying the Alcotts and their 19th century friends. 4:45-5:45pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)I can’t resist re-enactments. This one takes place at the …
Orchard House, 399 Lexington Road, Concord, MA
Orchard House, 399 Lexington Road, Concord, MA

Longfellow Birthday Celebration at Mt. Auburn…

Henry W. Longfellow and Dante
Did you know that Longfellow lived in Cambridge, in the former command headquarters of George Washington? Come take a tour about Longfellow and Dante, the author of The Divine Comedy and the guy behind the “circles of hell” concept. 1-4pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Did you know that Longfellow lived in Cambridge, in the former command …
Longfellow House, 105 Brattle St, Cambridge, MA
Longfellow House, 105 Brattle St, Cambridge, MA

Free Star Parties

Winter Campfire Festival

Total Confusion
This claims to be the largest gaming convention in New England, but it’s not the largest fandom/geek convention. It’s all about roleplaying, miniatures, and board games! Plus live shows of Rocky Horror, Repo: The Genetic Opera, Dr. Horrible Sing-a-Long Blog, and Buffy, the Musicial. (Click ‘more’ for details)This claims to be the largest gaming convention in New England, but it’s not the largest fandom/geek conve…
Holiday Inn, Mansfield, MA
Holiday Inn, Mansfield, MA

Illuminated Garden

Newport Winter Festival
This festival features a Beatles tribute band, ice sculpting, a scavenger hunt, a polar plunge, food cook-offs, a kids festival, and it’s a great excuse to visit Newport in the off-season. Make sure to tour the historic mansions, too. (Click ‘more’ for details)This festival features a Beatles tribute band, ice sculpting, a scavenger hunt, a polar plunge, f…
Various venues, Newport, RI
Various venues, Newport, RI

Winter Carnival at Tower Hill Botanical Garde…

On the Prowl for Owls
They’ll also have a campfire on this guided hike to find owls. Aren’t owls all asleep during the day? Well, I guess the sun sets early in the winter. 4:30-6:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)They’ll also have a campfire on this guided hike to find owls. Aren’t owls all aslee…
Rocky Woods, Hartford Street, Medfield, MA
Rocky Woods, Hartford Street, Medfield, MA

SCA’s Baronial Birthday
The Society for Creative Anachronism hosts medeival re-enactments that are only sometimes authentic but are always fun. This seems to be basically a dinner, but they promise “historical displays, games and entertainments” without describing them. Huh. 1-10pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)The Society for Creative Anachronism hosts medeival re-enactments that …
Melha Shrine Center, 133 Longhill St, Springfield, MA
Melha Shrine Center, 133 Longhill St, Springfield, MA

Rhode Island Spring Flower and Garden Show
Gardens start in the Spring, so this trade show has to happen before Spring arrives. I haven’t been to this one, but the local flower show close to Boston was amazing, with so many huge floral dioramas. This may actually be worth checking out, and they’ll have kids activities like a magic show. (Click ‘more’ for details)Gardens start in the Spring, so this trade show…
Rhode Island Convention Center, 1 Sabin St, Providence, RI
Rhode Island Convention Center, 1 Sabin St, Providence, RI

From Democratic Consensus to Cannibalistic Ho…

Let me build you a website!

Oscar Gala at Brattle Theatre
Everyone’s excited about the Academy Awards, which you couldn’t get a seat to even if you did live in California. Please don’t be fooled by local bars that do nothing but put it on the television. That is not an event! I called King’s, for example, and they basically said they weren’t doing anything special, but, “um, well, we’ll have it on the TV!”. Instead, try going to a classy event like this live broadcast to the Brattle Theatre. $75. RSVP immediately — will sell out. (Click ‘more’ for details)Everyone’s excited about the Academy Awards, which you couldn’t get a sea…
Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge, MA
Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge, MA

RIIFF Providence Oscar Night America Celebrat…
They say they’re “one of only 51 sanctioned Oscar parties”. Gee, what happens if you’re not sanctioned? 6:30pm. $10 screening but $125 if you want the red carpet reception, too. (Click ‘more’ for details)They say they’re “one of only 5…
VMA Arts & Cultural Center, 1 Avenue of the Arts, Providence, RI
VMA Arts & Cultural Center, 1 Avenue of the Arts, Providence, RI

Oscar Night Hartford
Johnny’s Movie List of Underappreciated Gems
Speaking of movies, everyone’s favorite movie website now lets you make lists! So I’ve made a list of the 50 least appreciated movies that I think are aces! If you like my events, give these underdog movies a chance, and email me at johnny@eventsINSIDER.com with your own suggestions. (Click ‘more’ for details)Speaking of movies, everyone’s favorite movie website now lets you make lists! So I’ve made…
Boston, MA
Boston, MA

Also Fun

Hip Hop Dance Festival

Washington’s Headquarters Open House
Did you know that George Washington based his Revolutionary War headquarters in Cambridge? Come tour the house on his birthday. Great general, but also a slaveowner. Hmm. I guess we take the heroes we can get. 11:30am-3:30pm, every half hour. Free! (Click ‘more’ for details)Did you know that George Washington based his Revolutionary War …
Longfellow House, 105 Brattle St, Cambridge, MA
Longfellow House, 105 Brattle St, Cambridge, MA

Maya and the Idea of Empire: A View from the …
Maya I have your attention? Ha ha, I crack myself up. This lecture is about the part of this ancient civilization that was even ancienter. And it’s followed by a reception! 6pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Maya I have your attention? Ha ha, …
Peabody Museum of Archaeology, 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA
Peabody Museum of Archaeology, 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA

Film Director Bob Rafelson Lecture

A Century of Black Voices

Boston Sci-Fi Film Festival
Too literary and cultural for you? You’d rather lose yourself in a movie theatre and let the precious moments of time pass by? Well, February would be the month for it. Here’s a science fiction festival with the last day being a 24-hour marathon. (Click ‘more’ for details)Too literary and cultural for you? You’d rather lose yourself in a mo…
Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville, MA

WinterFest North Adams
This is neat. They’ll have an ice sculpture carving demo, a skating dance party, and you should never need an excuse to visit the awesome Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art. 10am-4pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)This is neat. They’ll have an ice sculpture carving demo, a skating dance…
Western Gateway Heritage State Park, North Adams, MA
Western Gateway Heritage State Park, North Adams, MA

A Walk Under the Stars

Capture the Night Sky & Stars – with your…
And here’s another! It’s fun to learn about the constellations from a real astronomer and have an excuse to spend some time outdoors at night, even in the winter. 7-9:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)And here’s another! It’s fun to le…
Allens Pond Wildlife Sanctuary, 1280 Horseneck Road, Westport, MA
Allens Pond Wildlife Sanctuary, 1280 Horseneck Road, Westport, MA

February Flapjack Fling & Sugaring Tours
Taking a nature tour to see real maple trees being tapped is one thing. Getting to eat breakfast with real maple syrup, that’s icing on the cake! Um, to mix metaphors. 8:15am-12pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Taking a nature tour to see real maple trees bein…
Ipswich River Sanctuary, 87 Perkins Row, Topsfield, MA
Ipswich River Sanctuary, 87 Perkins Row, Topsfield, MA

Take a Walk on the Wild Side: Bald Eagles

Owls and Omelets
First you look for owls, and then you eat breakfast. Sounds like a hoot! Owl see you there! Wise everyone not cracking up at my puns? 5:30-8am. (Click ‘more’ for details)First you look for owls, and then you eat breakfast. Sounds like a hoot! Owl see you t…
North River Wildlife Sanctuary, Mansfield, MA
North River Wildlife Sanctuary, Mansfield, MA

Tracking Workshop at F.G.Hills in Foxboro

Winter Campout at Rocky Woods
So… You’re going to teach me how to build a winter shelter, and then we’re going to sleep outdoors at the height of winter? How much do you pay me for this? 10am. (Click ‘more’ for details)So… You’re going to teach me how to build a winter shelter, and then we’re going to sleep o…
Rocky Woods, Medfield, MA
Rocky Woods, Medfield, MA

Tavern Games
Before there was X-Box, people would play games in the local tavern. Experience this re-enactment for yourself, and they have other kids activities all week. All day 10am-4pm, drop in anytime. (Click ‘more’ for details)Before there was X-Box, people would play games in the local tavern. Experience this re-enactment for yourse…
Old State House, Boston, MA
Old State House, Boston, MA

Cruising the Connecticut River for Eagles

I Love The Nightlife: Black And White At Nigh…
I list a lot of these guided night hikes because they are a good excuse to get outdoors and active. The woods are peaceful at night and with a guide, you’ll learn a lot about nature! 6-7:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)I list a lot of these guided night hikes b…
Long Pasture Sanctuary, 345 Bone Hill Road, Cummaquid, MA
Long Pasture Sanctuary, 345 Bone Hill Road, Cummaquid, MA

Beach Combers Bingo

From Les Demoiselles d’Avignon to Pour Your B…
Yo, Picasso — your boob drawings need work, buddy. Get to work on that! No one has ever pleasured himself to this painting, is what I’m trying to say. Here’s a lecture all about that, I’m sure. Do they have a garden at the Gardner? Yes. Yes, they do. 7pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Yo, Picasso — your boob drawings need work, buddy. Get to work on that! …
280 The Fenway, Boston, MA
280 The Fenway, Boston, MA


The Little Pricks – our review
This troupe of gay men in drag is wonderfully accomplished, far beyond what you’d expect for a small stage in an edgy nightclub. Here’s another of their parodies of famous works. Click for our review! (Click ‘more’ for details)This troupe of gay men in drag is wonderfully accomplished, far beyond what you’…
MACHINE, 1254 Boylston St, Boston, MA
MACHINE, 1254 Boylston St, Boston, MA

An Evening of POEMJAZZ
Are you big into poetry? Is anyone? Well, when you add jazz and Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky and Grammy-winning jazz pianist Laurence Hobgood, magic WILL happen! 7:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Are you big into poetry? Is anyone? Well, when you add jazz and Poet Laureat…
Regattabar Jazz Club, 1 Bennett St, Cambridge, MA
Regattabar Jazz Club, 1 Bennett St, Cambridge, MA

Suzanne Vega
Has it been that long since 1985? Suzanne Vega’s hit “My Name is Luca” was risk-taking because she sang solo without any accompaniment. Can you name ANY other hit songs where a solo artist has done that? Check out this concert. (Click ‘more’ for details)Has it been that long since 1985? Suzanne Vega’s hit “My Name is Luca” was risk-taking …
Bull Run Restaurant, 215 Great Road, Shirley, MA
Bull Run Restaurant, 215 Great Road, Shirley, MA

Comedy Beanpot

What Time is It Mr. Fox, Mali Sastri, Sarah R…
I don’t list many indoor music events, but with a description featuring words like “circus”, “assassin”, and complimentary quotes that contain no reference and thus could have been said by anyone… Why not? You already know that everything at Club Passim is good. 8pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)I don’t list many indoor music events, but with a descripti…
Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge, MA
Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge, MA


Colin’s Crew Plunge

Cabin Fever Festival and Charity Chowder Cook…
Olde Mistick Village is basically a shopping mall, and you shouldn’t get too excited about 27 local restaurants serving up chowder samples. But do get excited about the nearly aquarium and living history museum, and they’ll have entertainment and stuff like police K-9 dogs. (Click ‘more’ for details)Olde Mistick Village is basically a shopping mall, and you shouldn’…
Olde Mistick Village, Mystic, CT
Olde Mistick Village, Mystic, CT

Connecticut Flower & Garden Show
I’m not a gardener, but I went to one of these shows once and it was surprisingly entertaining. They’ll have wonderful dioramas, and entire mini-garden basically, on show. (Click ‘more’ for details)I’m not a gardener, but I went to one of these s…
Connecticut Convention Center, 100 Columbus Blvd., Hartford, CT
Connecticut Convention Center, 100 Columbus Blvd., Hartford, CT

Winter Carnival in Old Orchard Beach

Bethel WinterFest

Brattleboro Winter Carnival