4/22 This Just In: Free Robin Hood movie TODAY, Rubber Chicken Toss World Record, etc.
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } Yesterday I posted to the Facebook group about this sneak preview to Robin Hood, starring Russell
April 22, 2010
Apr 20-28: They Might Be Giants, Giant Science & Folk Fests, Kevin Kline, Greek Parade, Kites, & Free Movies
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } Welcome to the Week in Weird! Here are this week's top items, and click to see the complete
April 20, 2010
Apr 20-28: They Might Be Giants, Giant Science & Folk Fests, Kevin Kline, Greek Parade, Kites, & Free Movies
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } When I get something late in the week, I often don't want to bother the entire list but will po
April 20, 2010
Apr 13-21 Boston Events: Free Food, MythBusters, & Dance. Iron Pour, Shakespeare Parade, Patriot’s Day re-enactments, Earth Day, SCRABBLE, Robots & Sharks, Oh my!
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } Welcome to the Week in Weird! Lots of free stuff to give out this week. Email me at johnny@weir
April 13, 2010
Apr 13-21 Boston Events: Free Food, MythBusters, & Dance. Iron Pour, Shakespeare Parade, Patriot’s Day re-enactments, Earth Day, SCRABBLE, Robots & Sharks, Oh my!
p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } Lots of free stuff to give out this week. Email me at johnny@weirdbostonevents.org. Love this b
April 13, 2010
Daily Update 4/12/10: Seeking Your Feeback, and My Favorite Zoos
I'm going to call a halt to voting for Wheel Questions. I think we'd stand a chance in a one-on-one fight, but this business of vo
April 12, 2010
Daily Update 4/12/10: Seeking Your Feeback, and My Favorite Zoos
I'm going to call a halt to voting for Wheel Questions. I think we'd stand a chance in a one-on-one fight, but this business of vo
April 12, 2010
Daily Update 4/11/10: Where to Mini-golf, play Paintball, and Laser Tag
Please vote again for the Wheel Questions art project. You can vote every day through April and help us win $25,000 to spread comm
April 11, 2010
Daily Update 4/11/10: Where to Mini-golf, play Paintball, and Laser Tag
Please vote again for the Wheel Questions art project. You can vote every day through April and help us win $25,000 to spread comm
April 11, 2010
Daily Update 4/10/10: Where to see Magic, Sing Karaoke (privately), and go Kayaking
Please vote again for the Wheel Questions art project. You can vote every day through April and help us win $25,000 to spread comm
April 10, 2010