India PavilionCambridge, MARestaurant
4.5 Star Restaurant (our ratings)
An original concept in Indian restaurants: health food.
Review by Johnny Monsarrat
Oct 18-26, 2010: Lantern Parade, Howl with Wolves, Steampunk, E.E. Cummings & Hawthorne, Dance Thriller, and over 100 Halloween events
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Oct 18-26, 2010: Lantern Parade, Howl with Wolves, Steampunk, E.E. Cummings & Hawthorne, Dance Thriller, and over 100 Halloween events
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Oct 12-19, 2010: Free Tix, Edgar Allan Poe, Sam Harris, Harry Potter Day, Blacksmith Fest, River Fire, Open Studios, and tons of Halloween Attractions
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Oct 12-19, 2010: Free Tix, Edgar Allan Poe, Sam Harris, Harry Potter Day, Blacksmith Fest, River Fire, Open Studios, and tons of Halloween Attractions
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Oct 6, 2010: This just in: Free tix to Bus Stop and HONK!, Festivals, where to go for Apple Picking
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Oct 6, 2010: This just in: Free tix to Bus Stop and HONK!, Festivals, where to go for Apple Picking
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Oct 4-12, 2010: HONK! Festival, Zombie Walk, Bonfire, Ren Faire, Re-enactments, Laser & Airplane Fests, Parades & Fireworks, Free Tix, and 26 Corn Mazes!
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Oct 4-12, 2010: HONK! Festival, Zombie Walk, Bonfire, Ren Faire, Re-enactments, Laser & Airplane Fests, Parades & Fireworks, Free Tix, and 26 Corn Mazes!
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Sep 29 – Oct 5, 2010: Canobie Lake Park, Moonlight Corn Maze, Steam Engines, Mercedes, Kerouac, Dr. Horrible, Ig Nobels, and Fall Fests!
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