Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 02/14/08
Hi! The Kendall Square Ice Rink is having a Valentine's Day Skate with a special ice performance at 8pm. http://www.paddlebost
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 02/11/08 Extra
The Gardner Museum is doing a Valentine's Day evening, but it'll cost a couple $175, although it includes museum membership. 280
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 01/24/08 Extra
Hi! Although Arisia is the biggest science fiction convention in New England, Harvard students run VERICON, a science fiction
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 01/17/08
Hi, TODAY, the Battle of the Brownies at MIT, 7-8pm in MIT room W20-407. See the Web site map.
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 12/16/07 Extra
Next time someone whines about the weather, read this New England Manifesto and be proud!!**JOHNNY'S NEW ENGLAND MANIFESTO**Size.
Wilmington, MA. Yet another holiday crafts & foods fair. See Web site for coupon. That ought to keep you humming Frosty the Snowman for a week. Please note, I often post last minute updates solely to my livejournal. If you are bookmarking a page, go to And if you want the information by email, join the mailing list at
Hi! Here are some last minute updates! I thought this merited a special note because Franklin Park Zoo and Stone Zoo are both
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 11/14/07
Hi everyone, There's an event Friday, Saturday, Sunday called "A Night At the Rock Opera", with a lot of 1970s greats includ
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 11/13/07
Hey-o, Juggle Mania III at MIT is Saturday, Nov 17, at 7pm, and it's free. That's in MIT room 54-100.
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 11/01/07
Hi!Two quickies. There's yet another open studios, except it's all in one location, so no strolling around the neighborhood. The
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 10/25/07
Hi! The MIT Pumpkin Drop is Saturday Oct 27 at 11:59pm on the "Dot" next to building 54. That is quite close to the corner of A