Sep 5-13, 2011: Balloon, Car, Raptor Fest, DIY Maker Fair, Brazilian Independence Day, Steampunk Invasion of Salem, Beach Ball, & Full Moon Paddle
This week I have more tickets to give away for King Richard’s Faire. And an awesome theatre show about Sherlock Holmes. It’s more or less the last week for outdoor concerts and theatre. And the warm weather won’t last forever. Don’t take it for granted.
I hope you are having an awesome week. Now get out there and do something fun!
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The Hound of the Baskervilles, a Comedy – tix giveaway | Boston Metro
Wed 9/7 – Sun 10/2 |
I’ve seen this Sherlock Holmes play and didn’t realize beforehand that it’s a comedy! It’s a hilarious parody of everyone’s favorite detective, with three actors playing about 12 roles. While there isn’t a very deep mystery to solve, the comedy and staging and accents are laugh-out-loud funny and this is HIGHLY recommended! Best of all, I have two pairs of tickets to give away. Email to win! 450 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA. |
King Richard’s Faire – ticket giveaway | South Shore
Sat 9/3 – Sun 10/23 |
I have two more pairs of tickets to give away for King Richard’s Faire, good for any weekend day Sep 10-25. This renaissance festival comes with an entire royal zoo, with tigers, lions, and leopards. Oh my! Email to win! 235 Main St, Carver, MA.508-866-5391. |
Steampunk Invasion of Salem | North Shore
Sat 9/10 |
Dress up as Victorian Era adventurers and head to Salem before it becomes busy with Halloween. The festival starts on Pickering Warf with live music from 12-6pm, and then moves to nighttime locations for dancing. Steampunk enthusiasts are crazy fun people! Salem, MA. |
Northampton Cooperative Bank Hot Air Balloon Festival & Car Show | Western Mass
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/11 |
I love balloons! Schedule ahead for a regular balloon trip, or just go up and down on a tethered balloon ride. They also have a “balloon glow” evening event set to music. :). Look Memorial Park, 300 North Main St, Florence, MA.413.584.5457. |
Saugus Founders’ Day Iron Pour | Boston Metro
Sat 9/10 |
Bring a picnic lunch and watch molten iron being poured. You can even design your own mould for an iron tile and take it home with you! 12-3pm. 244 Central St, Saugus, MA.781-233-0050. |
Audubon Society – Raptor Weekend | Rhode Island
Sat 9/10 – Sun 9/11 |
The Audubon Society hosts the largest show of eagles, hawks, falcons, and owls in New England. You can pet the birds and watch a falconeer send them hunting and returning to perch on an arm. Audubon Center, 1401 Hope Street (Route 114), Bristol, RI.401-245-7500. |
Rhodle Island Maker Fair | Rhode Island
Sat 9/10 |
But the big event in Rhode Island is this festival of inventor, people who “make stuff”. Take a workshop, explore the strange devices, and see “Waterfire” in the evening, when the Providence River is set afire (sort of). Providence, RI. |
Brazilian Independence Day Festival | Boston Metro
Sun 9/4 – Sun 9/11 |
It’s Independence Day for a country that *really* knows how to party. The Brazilian fest that I mentioned last week builds up steam this week, with a parade, live music, and the usual kids stuff like balloon animals. It’s free! DCR Herter Park, 1175 Soldiers Field Road, Boston, MA. |
Cambridge Carnival Internationale | Boston Metro
Sat 9/10 |
Also Brazilian is Carnival, with a costume parade, two music stages, and a “kids fest”! They say 150,000 will attend. 12-7pm. Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA.617-492-2518. |
Brasileiro! A Celebration of Brazilian Culture | Boston Metro
Sat 9/10 |
And this fest in Somerville goes beyond vendors, food, and live music. You can learn to samba, see soccer ball stunts, and witness a dance performance that “depicts the birth, death and ressurection of a bull”. So, do I bring love beads to throw? Union Square, Somerville, MA. |
It’s the Space Age at the Charles River Museum of Industry & Innovation | Boston Metro
Tue 9/13 |
“Another Side of In” is a new exhibit at the Charles River Museum, the museum fueling the recent steampunk craze. Come for the opening reception 9/3 from 6:30-9:30pm, using Lexan, a plastic developed in Pittsfield, MA in 1953. The exhibit runs thru Dec 23. 154 Moody St, Waltham, MA. |
The Long Arm of the Law | Metro West
Sat 9/10 |
Bringing it back to the Boston area, everyone’s favorite national public park hosts yet another re-enactment. This time meet 18th century police, courthouse staffers, and criminals. North Bridge, Concord, MA. |
Porsche Fest | Boston Metro
Sat 9/10 |
The season of lawn car shows won’t last forever. Here’s the next one! 15 Newton Street, Brookline, MA.617-522-6547. |
European Motorcycle Day at Larz Anderson Museum | Boston Metro
Sun 9/11 |
And another. Make it your excuse to check out this great automobile museum so close by in Brookline. 15 Newton Street, Brookline, MA.617-522-6547. |
Wings of Freedom Tour | North Shore
Mon 9/12 – Mon 10/3 |
Or upgrade to airplanes as this show tours New England. You can walk through a historic aircraft for $12, or go for a flight for $425! Sep 12-14 New Bedford, MA, Sep 14-16 Plymouth, MA, Sep 16-19 Beverly, MA, Sep 21-23 WestField, MA, Sep 23-28 Worcester, MA, Sep 28-30 Keene, NH, Sep 30-Oct 3 Nashua, NH. Various Locations. |
Boston Arts Festival | Boston Metro
Sat 9/10 – Sun 9/11 |
The Boston Arts Festival is sort of a “preview” of the music and theatre season. It starts with music and short theatre performances on just 2 stages, but adds in glassblowing, steel drums, Blue Man Group, and even poetry reading. Christopher Columbus Park, Boston, MA.617-635-3245. |
Armenian Street Fair & Festival | Boston Metro
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/11 |
There aren’t many Armenian events in New England. This one is bound to be unique, the uniquest, with two music stages, a kids stage, and the usual cultural exhibits and vendors. Armenian Cultural and Educational Center, 47 Nichols Ave, Watertown, MA.617-926-6067. |
Somerville Greek and Music Festival | Boston Metro
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/11 |
Now for a few small little festivals that warm the heart. I love to go out and see people who are enthusiasts, and small settings can bring you closer to their culture. The Somerville Greek and Music Festival has been well-advertised and seems like fun. Church, 29 Central Street, Somerville, MA.617-625-2222. |
Festival of the Healing Saints Cosmas and Damian | Boston Metro
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/11 |
It’s Cambridge vs. Somerville and Watertown! Armenian vs. Greek! Maybe you could sneak into both festivals. This one features the healing saints, so there might be a lot of sick people there, I dunno. Wear a mask and try not to touch anyone. They’ll have a small carnival and a parade Sunday. Warren St at Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA. |
Quidditch | Boston Metro
Sun 9/11 |
Quidditch is the game from the Harry Potter books, and they’ve made — a real game with it? This team at MIT (where else) plays every Sunday at 1pm. Briggs Field, MIT, Cambridge, MA. |
Shutesbury 250th Moonlight Beach Ball | Springfield
Sat 9/10 |
The Town of Shutesbury is celebrating its 250th anniversary and they’re holding a dance on the beach under a full moon. Dress up and check it out! 7pm-12am. Lake Wyola Park State Beach, Shutesbury, MA. |
Paddle Under a Full Moon | North Shore
Tue 9/13 |
You’ll find hundreds of activities on the Mass Audubon website, and I pick out the best ones for you (in my opinion). For example, here’s a chance for you to take a guided canoe trip under a full moon. Topsfield, MA. |
Kimball Farm Full Moon Corn Maze | Northern Mass
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/11 |
While you’re north of the city, this farm stays open until 8:30pm so you can walk through their corn field maze in the dark. I’ve been to this one and it’s fun also, but smaller than my favorite at Davis Farmland. Bring a flashlight. And they have a “pumpkin launcher”, which I can only hope is a catapult. Kimball Farm Corn Maze, 780 East Broadway, Haverhill, MA.978 521-3990. |
Muster in the Mountains (Re-enactment) | New Hampshire
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/11 |
An “encampment” is a re-enactment where actors actually camp out like old-timey militiamen would. This one spans the dates 1750-1840. It’s free and you can see demonstrations of tools, clothing, and weapons. And they’ll have a knife-throwing contest! Pinkhams, NH. |
Mud Bowl & Tournament of Mud Parade | New Hampshire
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/11 |
I’m not much interested in a football game played in the mud, but there will also be a parade of mud. (Definitely goes in the “how bad could it be?” category.). North Conway, NH.603-356-2096. |
Hampton Beach Seafood Festival | New Hampshire
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/11 |
I generally look down on single-food events, but this one seems to pack a punch and the location is beautiful. As well as the seafood, they’ll have a ton of art vendors, chef demonstrations, two stages for live music, and they’ll have fireworks Saturday and a skydiving performance Sunday. Ocean Boulevard, Hampton, NH.603-926-8718. |
Annual Banjo & Fiddle Contests | Lowell
Sat 9/10 |
I think I’d rather see this music contest! I love banjos! Boarding House Park, Lowell, MA.978-970-5028. |
Cranberry Beach Day & Parade | Cape Cod
Sat 9/10 – Sun 9/18 |
This beach festival comes with a sand sculpture contest, hay rides, and pony rides! The parade is next week. Harwich, MA. |
Sterling Fair | Worcester
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/11 |
Any fair that steps it up with fireworks makes it to my “Week in Weird” list, like this one! They’ll have helicopter rides, tractor pulls, balloon rides, and the usual agricultural fair stuff. Airport, 121 Greenland Road, Sterling, MA. |
Clinton Olde Home Day | Worcester
Fri 9/9 – Sat 9/10 |
This is the perfect New England home town experience, complete with a demo of crash test dummies, a pie-eating contest, martial arts, live music, arts & crafts, step dancers, you name it. This is VERY close to Davis Farmland in Sterling, MA with their wonderful corn maze! Central Park, Church St at Union St, Clinton, MA.978-365-6723. |
Highwater Releases on The Kennebec River when the river is running at twice it’s normal summer flows | Maine
Sat 9/10 – Sat 9/24 |
You’ll remember that I gave away tickets and gave a rave review of whitewater rafting through the Northern Outdoors company. The reason for rafting is almost over and they’re doing a “big” release of water from the dam for even bigger rafting waves. The Forks, ME. |
Penn Gillette book talk – September 17 | Boston Metro
Sat 9/17 |
This talk by magician Penn Gillette (of Penn & Teller) is not for another 10 days, but buy your tickets now if you want ’em! Brookline Booksmith, Brookline, MA. |
MIT Museum is Free & Joe Haldeman Book Talk | Boston Metro
Fri 9/9 |
The MIT Museum is free every second Friday evening, 5-8pm, and this week they feature science fiction author Joe Haldeman, who will read from his new book, Starbound. Haldeman is not only an MIT professor but also five-time winner of the genre’s highest awards, the Nebula and the Hugo. Trust me, you will learn something brilliant if you ask about writing or science. MIT Museum, Cambridge, MA.![]() more |
Massachusetts Day at Southwick’s Zoo | Southeast Mass
Sun 9/11 |
What’s better than the largest zoo in New England? Free admission!! Bring a Massachusetts state ID. Bless them for doing it on a Saturday. While you’re out there, check out the Mendon Drive-in Theatre at 2 Southwick Street, Mendon, MA.800-258-9182. |
Drummers Call & Evening at the Kiln | Southeast Mass
Sat 9/10 |
I’m going to tell you a secret about Sturbridge Village. JUST GO. It doesn’t matter that they’re having hundreds of historical re-enactors come and demonstrate military drumming. The village itself is a marvel, with tons of live actors representing 19th century New Englandy goodness. Just go, for Pete’s sake. 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge, MA.508-347-3362. |
Wet Quintet – Interactive Musical Sculpture | Boston Metro
Sat 9/10 |
OMG! This looks like so much fun. The Rose Kennedy Greenway has a fountain and they’ve placed bells all around that the fountain sprays hit. It’s interactive and you can move them around and dance with them. They’ll give away prizes for the best interaction. 10am-4pm. Rose Kennedy Greenway, Boston, MA.![]() more more |
Panel and Reception on the Pursuit of Knowledge in Early Europe | Boston Metro
Tue 9/6 |
How did scientists do research in the 16th century, without the Internet? They didn’t even have scientific journals, and the church… the scary all-powerful heliocentric church… Come find out at this Harvard exhibition, which opens with a panel and reception. And it’s free! 5-8pm. Cambridge, MA. |
Contra Folk Dance – Beginner’s Night | Boston Metro
Tue 9/13 |
Contra is a social dance that gets you interacting with everyone who comes and is easy to pick up. It tends to attract creative, intelligent people. Check it out! MIT, Cambridge, MA. |
Central Sw!ngs | Boston Metro
Fri 9/9 |
Due to a weather postponement, this is now happening Sep 9. 6-9pm. It’s an outdoor celebration of music, dance, poetry, and theater. Sweet! Lafayette Plaza, Central Square, Cambridge, MA. |
Quincy YMCA Carnival | Boston Metro
Thu 9/8 – Sun 9/11 |
Fiesta Shows brings their traveling carnival to another location — this time, accessible from the MBTA! Y.M.C.A. Field, 79 Coddington St., Quincy, MA. |
Franklin County Fair | Western Mass
Thu 9/8 – Sun 9/11 |
And to this agricultural fair, too. Fairgrounds, Greenfield, MA. |
Codman Estate Fine Arts and Crafts Festival | Metro West
Sat 9/10 |
For this event, art vendors show up and they call it a festival. Well, at least there’s music and they’re giving tours of this historic mansion! 36 Codman Road, Lincoln, MA.617-227-3957 X270. |
Verrill Farm Barbecue | Metro West
Sun 9/11 |
This one’s small but good. It’s a farm but it’s in classy Concord, and they’ll have hayrides. And BBQ!! Unfortunately the ponies and clowns are just for kids. 11 Wheeler Road, Concord, MA.978-369-4494. |
Connors Farm Corn Maze | North Shore
Sat 9/10 – Mon 10/31 |
Yet another corn maze opens for the season. See website for coupon. And they have a night maze every Saturday in October plus Halloween. 30 Valley Road (Rt. 35), Danvers, MA.978-777-1245. |
Marini Farm Corn Maze | North Shore
Sat 9/10 – Mon 10/31 |
Yet another corn maze opens this week. This one seems to be pretty good! 259 Linebrook Road, Ipswich, MA.978 356-0430. |
Reading Fall Street Faire | North Shore
Sun 9/11 |
This festival has a car show, street performers, a chili contest, and the usual vendors, music, and more vendors. Reading, MA. |
Register for Folk Song Society’s Fall Getaway Weekend | Worcester
Fri 9/30 – Sun 10/2 |
A local folk song group has a campout Sep 30 – Oct 2, but they’d like you to RSVP by September 17, so I’m listing it now. Prindle Pond Conference Center, Charlton, MA. |
Pet Rock Festival | Worcester
Sun 9/11 |
This is a benefit for animals, with a bunch of pet competitions, live music, the ubiquitous kids face painting and unspecified and probably lame crafts, and a vegetarian food court. The real drawn here is that you can see dogs playing frisbee and baseball! Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester, MA.508-832-8918. |
Wachusett Mountain Music Festival | Worcester
Sun 9/11 |
One notch further down the classy-ness pole, this event is too expensive for an agricultural fair, complete with racing pigs. However, it’s a beautiful mountain venue, and you can ride the gondola (costs extra), hike the mountain, or check out Davis Farmland and cornfield maze. Wachusett Mountain Ski Area, Princeton, MA.978-464-2300. |
Pawtucket Dragon Boat Races / Rocktucket | Rhode Island
Fri 9/9 |
I’ve never seen dragonboat races and would love to. School Street Pier, School St., Pawtucket, RI.401-724-2200. |
Pawtucket Arts Fest | Rhode Island
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/25 |
It’s all part of the Pawtucket Arts Festival, which is really a series of festivals, not a contiguous event. Slater Memorial Park, 401 Newport Avenue, Pawtucket, RI. |
Slater Mill Labor & Ethnic Heritage Festival and Stone Soup Folk Festival | Rhode Island
Sun 9/11 |
For example, the Stone Soup Folk Festival is a day of folk music, and there are other arty things happening across the city this week. Slater Memorial Park, 401 Newport Avenue, Pawtucket, RI.401-724-5200. |
Lenox Tub Parade and Gilded Age Weekend | Western Mass
Sat 9/10 |
I wish this event came with a description. It seems interesting? Is it really a parade of bathtubs? It says historic parade of horse-drawn carriages. Lenox, MA.413.637.3646. |
Mattoon Street Arts Festival | Western Mass
Sat 9/10 – Sun 9/11 |
There’s really not much reason to visit Springfield, except for some decent museums, or if you’re on your way to Six Flags New England. But if you’re going to go, why not go now and see a local arts festival? Mattoon Street, Springfield, MA.413-736-0629. |
American Heart Walk | Boston Metro
Sat 9/10 |
If you like hearts, and don’t like disease, consider this Yet Another Charity Walk for a really good cause. 1mi, 3mi, or 6mi route along the Charles River. Hatch Shell, Esplanade, 10 Storrow Drive, Boston, MA. |
MSPCA Walk for Animals | Boston Metro
Sun 9/11 |
This time animals do the walking! They also are holding events in Springfield and Hyannis. Boston Common, Boston, MA. |
Charlestown Art in the Park Festival | Boston Metro
Sat 9/10 |
Although outdoors, it seems this is simply art vendors, a small draw kind of festival. Rain date: the next day. Charlestown, MA. |
SomerStreets Rolling on the Mystic | Boston Metro
Sat 9/10 |
This outdoor festival will be small but fun. They’ll have undescribed “water activities” and “kids activities”. 12-4pm. Blessing of the Bay boathouse and Shore Drive, Somerville, MA.![]() more |
Applecrest Antique Tractor Show | New Hampshire
Sun 9/11 |
Tired” of car shows? Try this tractor show. Get it? “Tired”? They’re also having an apple harvest festival. Rt 88, Hampton Falls, NH.603-926-3721. |
Eastham Windmill Weekend | Cape Cod
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/11 |
About as far away, and on Cape Cod, this fest comes with a parade and a sand sculpture competition. Eastham, MA. |
Mudflat Grand Opening Celebration | Boston Metro
Fri 9/9 |
This studio opens with pottery demonstations, live music, hands-on clay activities. Free! 12-4 pm. And there’s a benefit auction on Friday. Mudflat Studio, 81 Broadway, Somerville, MA. |
Wrentham Day | Southeast Mass
Sat 9/10 |
About as small as it gets, this hometown festival features a road race, chowder cook-off, and live music. 9am-4pm. Wrentham, MA. |
Brimfield Antiques Festival (Fall) | Springfield
Tue 9/6 – Sun 9/11 |
I happened to pass through Brimfield last week. They have more than a mile of vendors. It’s the largest in New England and I’m sure it’s great if you’re an antique, um, antique collector. Off of Rt 20. Rt 20 at Rt 19, Brimfield, MA.413-245 3209. |
Porgy & Bess – Our review | Boston Metro
Fri 9/2 – Sun 10/2 |
You already love the music, and now Porgy and Bess has been updated for the 2010’s by Harvard’s A.R.T. Click for our review! Loeb Drama Center, 64 Brattle St, Cambridge, MA. |
Life in a Marital Institution (20 Years of Monogamy in One Terrifying Hour) | New Hampshire
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/11 |
James Braly is a contributor to public radio’s ‘This American Life’, and he’s performing a comedy/drama tale of married life. It’s received good reviews. The Music Hall Loft, Portsmouth, NH. |
Boston Improv Festival | Boston Metro
Tue 9/6 – Sun 9/11 |
My favorite comedy club brings in comedians from all over the nation for this annual event. Although it’s really a performance series, not a festival, they do offer workshops. Cambridge, MA. |
Benefit Concert for the Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team and Kestrel Educational Adventures | North Shore
Thu 9/8 |
There’s a group on the North Shore that teaches ecology to kids, and they’re holding a benefit concert, featuring James Montgomery and David Hull. It’s indoors, but for a good cause. Gloucester, MA. |
Caribbean Sounds – a steel pan concert | Boston Metro
Wed 9/7 |
I couldn’t find this on their website, but it’s in their newsletter so is bound to be happening. I love steel drum bands. “Trevor Comma will warm up and delight the crowd with his performance of steel pan, originating on the West Indian island of Trinidad.” 6-7pm. Nightingale Community Garden, 512 Park St, Dorchester, MA. |
Connecticut Folk Festival & Green Expo | Connecticut
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/11 |
I sometimes feel that the green movement is full of smug people who feel they are saving the Earth. Unfortunately, if you have kids, drive a car, fly anywhere, or earn more than $30,000 a year, you’re just fooling yourself to think that your reusable grocery bags and composting matter. New Haven, CT. |
Hebron Harvest Fair | Connecticut
Thu 9/8 – Sun 9/11 |
I’ve seen the Reithoffer traveling carnival, and it’s huge, if you’re willing to travel 2 hours from Boston! Hebron Lions Fairgrounds, 347 Gilead Street, Hebron, CT. |
North Haven Fair | Connecticut
Thu 9/8 – Sun 9/11 |
Here’s another agricultural fair with racing pigs and music. They have horse pulling, ox pulling, and pony pulling contests. So who’s pulling all these ponies? North Haven, CT. |
Eastport Pirate Festival | Maine
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/11 |
The good news: there’s a pirate festival! The bad news: it’s more than a 6 hour drive from Boston. Eastport, ME. |
Fort Knox Medieval Tournament | Maine
Sat 9/10 |
This is a mock medeival battle brought to you by the hobbyist historians of the Society for Creative Anachronism. Prospect, ME.978-929-6641. |
Capriccio and Festival of Kites | Maine
Sat 9/10 |
This is a two-week arts fest with a kite fest on Sep 10. Boy! It’s another event that simply refuses to provide details that might entice tourists to attend. But hey. I like kites. Ogunquit, ME. |
Vermont State Fair | Vermont
Fri 9/2 – Sun 9/11 |
This festival has a carnival, live music, and lots of agricultural goodness. 175 South Main St, Rutland, VT. |
Outdoor Theatre & Events | grade | Mon 9/5 | Tue 9/6 | Wed 9/7 | Thu 9/8 | Fri 9/9 | Sat 9/10 | Sun 9/11 | Mon 9/12 |
Boston MetroCharlestown, MAThe Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) | S | ||||||||
2011: One performance. 6pm. Free. Shipyard Park, Charlestown Navy Yard more |
Western MassPittsfield, MA“Shades of the Revolution” A Ghostly Re-Enactment of People, Places and Scenes from Pittsfield’s Past | R | ||||||||
2011: 7pm. Pittsfield Cemetery, 203 Wahconah St more |
Rhode IslandProvidence, RIWaterfire | S | ||||||||
2011: An outdoor event where they place baskets of burning wood in the Providence River, lighting up the riverwalk and with vendors, music, and more. Also Oct 8. Providence Place, 401 751-1221. more |
ConnecticutGuilford, CTShakespeare on the Green | M | T | W | R | |||||
Some shows in a park, some on a boat! , 453-8134, x 301. more |
MaineOld Orchard Beach, MEFireworks @ Old Orchard Beach | R | ||||||||
2011: 9:45pm. Next to the Pier more |
Outdoor Movies | grade | Mon 9/5 | Tue 9/6 | Wed 9/7 | Thu 9/8 | Fri 9/9 | Sat 9/10 | Sun 9/11 | Mon 9/12 |
Cape CodSandwich, MAFamily Movie Night Under the Stars | F | ||||||||
2011: pre-show activities start at 6pm. Heritage Museums & Gardens, 508.888.3300 x100. more |
Rhode IslandProvidence, RIMovies on the Block | R | ||||||||
2011: Dusk. Also Pineapple Express 9/22, Purple Rain on 9/29, and Withnail & I (which is AWESOME and HILARIOUS) on 10/6. Westminster St at Union St more |
Outdoor Music | grade | Mon 9/5 | Tue 9/6 | Wed 9/7 | Thu 9/8 | Fri 9/9 | Sat 9/10 | Sun 9/11 | Mon 9/12 |
Boston MetroBoston, MAHarborWalk Sounds & Free ICA Night | R | ||||||||
2011: Live music: various types, outside the ICA, which is free Thursday nights. Institute for Contemporary Art more |
Boston MetroBoston, MAWhole Note Wednesdays | W | ||||||||
2011: Jazz every Wednesday 6-9 PM. Free. The Liberty Hotel, 215 Charles Street, 617-244-4000. more |
Boston MetroCambridge, MAClub Passim Summer Concert Series | R | ||||||||
2011: 1-2 PM. 47 Palmer St. more |
Boston MetroCambridge, MAKendall Square Concert Series | R | ||||||||
2011: 12-1:30pm. 300 Athenaeum Street, 617 577-7354. more |
Metro WestConcord, MAMusic at the Manse Concert Series | S | ||||||||
2011: Most Sundays 2-4pm. And Sep 26. The Old Manse, 269 Monument Street, 978.369.3909. more more |
Metro WestFitchburg, MASundays in Coggshall Park | S | ||||||||
2011: 2 PM. Rain dates are July 24th and Sept. 25th. , 978/345-9550. more |
North ShoreHaverhill, MAWinnekenni Castle Concerts | M | ||||||||
Free. 2010: 2pm or 7pm. If rain, concert will be indoors. Winnekenni Castle, 347 Kenoza Ave more |
Southeast MassDartmouth, MASummer Concert Series at Dartmouth | W | ||||||||
2011: 6:30-8:30 PM. Not free. more |
Southeast MassNew Bedford, MACity Celebrates Summer Thursdays | R | ||||||||
Evenings. Downtown area, 508-996-8253 x205. more more |
WorcesterUpton, MASweet Summer Nights Music Series | F | S | |||||||
2011: Fridays from 7-8:30 PM and Sundays 1-5 PM. Events continue through September. Rain or shine. more |
ConnecticutNorwalk, CTNorwalk Parks Concert Schedule | W | ||||||||
2011: 6 or 7pm. Rain dates one day later. Calf Pasture Beach, 203-854-7806. more |
ConnecticutTrumbull, CTSummer Concerts at Trumbull | T | ||||||||
2011: 7pm. Town Hall Gazebo more |
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