Sep 5-13, 2011: Balloon, Car, Raptor Fest, DIY Maker Fair, Brazilian Independence Day, Steampunk Invasion of Salem, Beach Ball, & Full Moon Paddle
This week I have more tickets to give away for King Richard’s Faire. And an awesome theatre show about Sherlock Holmes. It’s more or less the last week for outdoor concerts and theatre. And the warm weather won’t last forever. Don’t take it for granted.
I hope you are having an awesome week. Now get out there and do something fun!
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This week’s top items are below, or see the complete Boston Events Insider.
The Hound of the Baskervilles, a Comedy – tix giveaway | Boston Metro
Wed 9/7 – Sun 10/2 |
I’ve seen this Sherlock Holmes play and didn’t realize beforehand that it’s a comedy! It’s a hilarious parody of everyone’s favorite detective, with three actors playing about 12 roles. While there isn’t a very deep mystery to solve, the comedy and staging and accents are laugh-out-loud funny and this is HIGHLY recommended! Best of all, I have two pairs of tickets to give away. Email to win! 450 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA. |
King Richard’s Faire – ticket giveaway | South Shore
Sat 9/3 – Sun 10/23 |
I have two more pairs of tickets to give away for King Richard’s Faire, good for any weekend day Sep 10-25. This renaissance festival comes with an entire royal zoo, with tigers, lions, and leopards. Oh my! Email to win! 235 Main St, Carver, MA.508-866-5391. |
Steampunk Invasion of Salem | North Shore
Sat 9/10 |
Dress up as Victorian Era adventurers and head to Salem before it becomes busy with Halloween. The festival starts on Pickering Warf with live music from 12-6pm, and then moves to nighttime locations for dancing. Steampunk enthusiasts are crazy fun people! Salem, MA. |
Northampton Cooperative Bank Hot Air Balloon Festival & Car Show | Western Mass
Fri 9/9 – Sun 9/11 |
I love balloons! Schedule ahead for a regular balloon trip, or just go up and down on a tethered balloon ride. They also have a “balloon glow” evening event set to music. :). Look Memorial Park, 300 North Main St, Florence, MA.413.584.5457. |
Saugus Founders’ Day Iron Pour | Boston Metro
Sat 9/10 |
Bring a picnic lunch and watch molten iron being poured. You can even design your own mould for an iron tile and take it home with you! 12-3pm. 244 Central St, Saugus, MA.781-233-0050. |
Audubon Society – Raptor Weekend | Rhode Island
Sat 9/10 – Sun 9/11 |
The Audubon Society hosts the largest show of eagles, hawks, falcons, and owls in New England. You can pet the birds and watch a falconeer send them hunting and returning to perch on an arm. Audubon Center, 1401 Hope Street (Route 114), Bristol, RI.401-245-7500. |
Rhodle Island Maker Fair | Rhode Island
Sat 9/10 |
But the big event in Rhode Island is this festival of inventor, people who “make stuff”. Take a workshop, explore the strange devices, and see “Waterfire” in the evening, when the Providence River is set afire (sort of). Providence, RI. |
Brazilian Independence Day Festival | Boston Metro
Sun 9/4 – Sun 9/11 |
It’s Independence Day for a country that *really* knows how to party. The Brazilian fest that I mentioned last week builds up steam this week, with a parade, live music, and the usual kids stuff like balloon animals. It’s free! DCR Herter Park, 1175 Soldiers Field Road, Boston, MA. |
Cambridge Carnival Internationale | Boston Metro
Sat 9/10 |
Also Brazilian is Carnival, with a costume parade, two music stages, and a “kids fest”! They say 150,000 will attend. 12-7pm. Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA.617-492-2518. |
Brasileiro! A Celebration of Brazilian Culture | Boston Metro
Sat 9/10 |
And this fest in Somerville goes beyond vendors, food, and live music. You can learn to samba, see soccer ball stunts, and witness a dance performance that “depicts the birth, death and ressurection of a bull”. So, do I bring love beads to throw? Union Square, Somerville, MA. |
And a lot more this week at Boston Events Insider, the most popular events blog in New England, including:
And more than 300 Outdoor Movie, Theatre, and Music Series in New England plus dozens of one-shot outdoor arts events!
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