Mar 12-20, 2012: Vernor Vinge at VERICON, 7 St. Patrick’s Day Parades, Evacuation Day, and 5 giveaways!
03/12/12 by
Johnny Monsarrat
This Week in Review

Don’t do it! Don’t just go to a bar and get drunk for St. Patrick’s Day. You know that you can do that any time of the year, right? You’re too smart to mistake a few shamrocks for a creative holiday theme, right? So go see a parade! Go to a Kite Fly or learn about ancient Celtic warriors!
I hope you are having an awesome week. Now get out there and do something fun!

Ski Passes for Killington Resort
It’s getting warmer in Boston, but there’s plenty of snow in Vermont! I’m giving away tickets to Killington in Vermont. Email and tweet @OddBostonEvents @KillingtonMtn to win. And let me know whether you want 2 tickets or all 4. (Click ‘more’ for details)It’s getting warmer in Boston, but there’s plenty of snow in Ver…
Killington, VT
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Killington, VT
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tix giveaway: Joshua Tree (U2) + Irish Comedy…
Did you know that Patriot Place has a performance stage? On the same they are showcasing two acts Joshua Tree: A Tribute to U2 and The Irish Comedy Tour St. Paddy’s Day Show, and I am giving away tickets! Two winners will get a pair of tickets to BOTH shows. Email to win. (Click ‘more’ for details)Did you know that Patriot Place has a performance s…
Foxboro, MA
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Foxboro, MA
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Little Bit of Ireland – tix giveaway
I’m also giving away two pairs of tickets for the Saturday, March 17 at 6 pm show of this Irish performance with fiddlers, harpists, and the world champion Irish step dancer! Email to win. (Click ‘more’ for details)I’m also giving away two pairs of tickets for the Saturday, Mar…
Waltham, MA
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Waltham, MA
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Recycled Percussion – tix giveaway
Have you ever seen those guys on the sidewalk playing buckets instead of drums? Kinda awesome, right? Now I’mgiving away two pairs of the tickets for this percussion group playing at the Hanover. Email to win! (Click ‘more’ for details)Have you ever seen those guys on the sidewalk playing buckets i…
Worcester, MA
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Worcester, MA
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St. Patrick’s Day Parade – Boston
I can’t put it off any longer. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! I’d love to see the parade. 1pm, from Broadway T stop (Thomas Park) to Andrew Square. And below are a bunch more St. Patty’s events if you want to get out of town. (Click ‘more’ for details)I can’t put it off any longer. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! I’d…
South Boston, MA
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South Boston, MA
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St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Road Race – Ho…
More Saint Patrick’s Day! The road race is Saturday at 1pm and the parade is Sunday at 11:30am. Claim to be the 2nd largest St. Patrick’s Day parade in the USA. Wait, that’s what Boston claims! Well, the #1 is in nearby NYC. (Click ‘more’ for details)More Saint Patrick’s Day! The road race is Saturday…
Holyoke, MA
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Holyoke, MA
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Evacuation Day Ceremony (Revolutionary War)
During the American War of Independence, the British loyalists — mainly rich Bostonians — were pushed into Boston proper and then fled for Britain in boat. That’s “Evacuation Day” and this event in Dorchester is a re-enactment. Actors will dress up in revolutionary war costumes and there will be singing, a musket firing demo, a proclamation by local politicians, and ranger tours. 9am. (Click ‘more’ for details)During the American War of Independence, the British loya…
Boston, MA
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Boston, MA
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Wow! Vernor Vinge is coming to Harvard’s geek convention! Along with Joe Haldeman, Neal Stephenson, and Greg Egan, he’s my favorite hard science fiction author. It’s chock full of creativity! Run by Harvard students, it features Monopoly, Scrabble, and plastic ‘boffer’ tournaments, a Dance Dance Revolution Contest, a Masquerade Party, live roleplaying, and capture the flag with Calvin & Hobbes rules! (Click ‘more’ for details)Wow! Vernor Vinge is coming to Harvard’s geek convention! Along with Joe Haldeman, Neal St…
Cambridge, MA
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Cambridge, MA
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Celtic Warriors / The Pirate Queen
The Higgins armory features a series of Celtic warrior events for St. Patricks Day, including a sing-along and swordplay classes. You really need to see this museum of old-timey armor and weapons. Even if they weren’t holding an event, it’s a must-see in New England! 10am-2:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)The Higgins armory features a series of Celtic warrior events f…
Worcester, MA
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Worcester, MA
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Maple Sugaring Festival
Now this is a maple sugar event! Re-enactors play Native Americans doing chores and making syrup. Then they serve pancakes. Yummy in my tummy! 11am-3pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Now this is a maple sugar event! Re-enactors play Native Americans doing chor…
Sharon, MA
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Sharon, MA
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This week’s top items are below, or see the complete Boston Events Insider.
And a lot more this week at Boston Events Insider, the most popular events blog in New England, including:
Greenberg Toy & Train Show
Boston Inventgenuity Festival
New England Open Archery Tournament
501st New England Storm Troopers in Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Israeli Folk Dance Fest & Ice Cream Social
Balkan Music Night
Nowruz, the Persian New Year
Blooms! Boston Flower & Garden Show
BRT Presents: Pendragon
The Irish in Concord
St. Patrick’s Day at Patriot Place
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration at Longfellow’s Wayside Inn!
St. Patrick’s Day Plunge & Parade – Scituate
St. Patrick’s Day Parade – Abington, MA
St. Patrick’s Day Parade – Newport, RI
St. Patrick’s Day Parade – New London, CT
The Courthouse O’Putnam 5K
St. Patrick’s Day Parade – Portland, ME
Bath Blarney Days
Opening Day at Plimoth Plantation & Rare Breeds Animal Parade!
Thoreau Ramble
Happy Anniversary, Henrietta: Astronomy Talk
King Pine Cardboard Box Derby
Spring Carnival Day at Crotched Mountain
Free Film Fridays at Museum of Science
The Great American Meat Out
Danvers Pancake Festival
Boston Restaurant Week – Winter
Next to Normal – our review
Massmouth Story Slams
WERS A Capella Concert & 60th Anniversary Celebration
A Little Bit of Ireland
Cabot Maple Fest
Rudyard Kipling
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