Mar 26-Apr 3, 2012: Lovecraft, Egg Hunts, Astronomy Night, Civil War & Revolutionary War Re-enactments, Viking Day, and more!
03/26/12 by
Johnny Monsarrat
This Week in Review

Did you know that I set five world records with a crazy awesome art project called Wheel Questions, at I have written a book about the experience. It’s part memoir, part advice book, and part photo album of the 10,000 question cards I received.
So, I’m seeking a few volunteers to read the book before I send it to my agent. I absolutely do not need time-consuming line-by-line feedback. I’d just like your high-level thoughts on pacing, clarity, and kwimnebobblery. Email
I hope you are having an awesome week. Now get out there and do something fun!
The Week in Weird

The Donkey Show – ticket giveaway
It’s Shakespeare, it’s a 1970s musical, it’s a disco party where you can dance! My review gave The Donkey Show five stars, it’s a must see, and I’m giving away 4 tickets to the March 30 show. Email to win! (Click ‘more’ for details)It’s Shakespeare, it’s a 1970s musical, it’s a disco party where…
Cambridge, MA
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Cambridge, MA
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Trials of Love – tix giveaway
I love this concept. A standup comedian takes dating questions from the audience and shells out advice, and I’ve got 6 tickets to giveaway for the 3/31 show! Email to win. (Click ‘more’ for details)I love this concept. A standup comedian takes dating questions from the…
Boston, MA
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Boston, MA
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Civil War Annual Encampment
This year sees the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War, and local re-enactors will be celebrating. This one includes an “emcampment” which means tents and re-enactors and probably a military demo. Show up and chat and learn youse some history! (Click ‘more’ for details)This year sees the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War, and …
Marlborough, MA
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Marlborough, MA
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The Week in Weird`

Free Blacksmith Demonstration
Wha wha what? An outdoor blacksmith demonstration that’s free? Now that’s what I call Continuing Education. And it’s conveniently in Harvard Square. 12-4pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Wha wha what? An outdoor blacksmith demonstration that’s free? Now t…
Cambridge, MA
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Cambridge, MA
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H.P. Lovecraft’s Shadow over Providence
After Edgar Allan Poe, and before Robert Bloch (who wrote Psycho), the popular horror writer was H. P. Lovecraft, who is buried in Providence. I’ve been to this tribute, which 150 people attend, at the observatory and at his graveside. Who knows that horrors might await you in Providence! 3-4pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)After Edgar Allan Poe, and before Robert Bloch (who wrote…
Providence, RI
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Providence, RI
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The Week in Weird

SCA Regional Fencing Melee Practice
The Society for Creative Anachronism are wonderfully crazy people who like to re-enact the middle ages at varying levels of accuracy. They rarely have events that you can get to on the subway, and I’m sure that showing up and watching them smash each other with wooden swords is enjoyable. 12-5pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)The Society for Creative Anachronism are wonderfully crazy peo…
Cambridge, MA
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Cambridge, MA
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Egg Scavenger Hunt at Roger Williams Park Zoo…
Easter’s not quite here yet, but keep reading for the biggest list of secular Easter Egg Hunts in New England! Let’s start with this one that’s not only outdoors, and not only is it a ZOO, but you get to do a scavenger hunt and meet the Easter Bunny!! Easta Bunnie, Easta Bunnie! 9am-3:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Easter’s not quite here yet, but keep reading fo…
Providence, RI
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Providence, RI
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Stars and Mars in March
Don’t dismiss these astronomy events that I’m so eager to share with you. It’s a wonderful way to enjoy the night, outdoors, meeting new people and learning about the constellations. You might even be first to discover the aliens when the invasion starts! 8-10pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Don’t dismiss these astronomy events that I’m so eager to share with you. It’…
Natick, MA
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Natick, MA
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Dress Rehearsal for the Battle on Lexington G…
Patriot’s Day is a remembrance of the conflict that began the American Revolutionary War, the ‘shot heard round the world’, and it’s re-enacted in Lexington every year at dawn. I’ve seen it twice and while it’s awesome… Dawn? Really? So check out this *dress rehearsal* which will be less crowded and takes place in the afternoon. 2pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Patriot’s Day is a remembrance of the conflict th…
Lexington, MA
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Lexington, MA
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EnviroFest at The Clay Center
This is a lot more than just a high school festival. They’ll have science demos, a live animal show, hybrid cars, and more. No really, it seems interesting. Thanks, kids with rich parents! 3-5pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)This is a lot more than just a high school festival. They’ll have sc…
Brookline, MA
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Brookline, MA
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Clay Center’s Public Observatory Nights re-op…
A ton of local observatories — email me for the Events INSIDER Spring 2012 Guide to see them all — host stargazing nights. Here’s one in Brookline, which is every Tuesday, 7-8:30pm. You get to try out some fancy telescopes and hear a real astronomer explain what that barely visible smudge is. Call ahead if the weather looks cloudy. (Click ‘more’ for details)A ton of local observatories — email me for the …
Brookline, MA
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Brookline, MA
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Nanodays at the Museum of Science, Boston
Can I tell you a secret? Nanoscience is a fad, a bogus made-up term which doesn’t really encapsulate a consistent field of science. But anything at the Museum of Science is fun, and you’ll learn about a variety of scientific fields, mostly chemistry. 11am-4pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Can I tell you a secret? Nanoscience is a fad, a bogus made…
Boston, MA
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Boston, MA
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Dance Marathon Boston University
And your Bollywood dancing and toga skils will come in handy at this uncreatively named 18-hour dance marathon to benefit AIDS research. Their website says, “You can participate as a dancer, moraler, or volunteer…” What is a moraler? Are they the fashion police watching for wardrobe malfunctions? (Stop that! Too much Disco on the dance floor!) 1-11:59pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)And your Bollywood dancing and toga skils will come in handy at this…
Boston, MA
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Boston, MA
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Sensational India & Bollywood Dance Party…
While you’re in Salem, check out this festival of Indian Art & Culture at one of my favorite museums. It features a Bollywood Dance Party, drop-in art activities, lectures, and performance of dance, sitar, and storytelling. Count me in! (Click ‘more’ for details)While you’re in Salem, check out this festival of Ind…
Salem, MA
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Salem, MA
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Viking Day at the Higgins Armory
OMG guys!! Guys guys guys! This fantastic museum of ancient weapons and suits of armor is holding a Viking day. That’s even better than pirates… Wait a second… PIRATE VIKINGS??! That just blew my mind. 10am-4pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)OMG guys!! Guys guys guys! This fantastic museum of ancient weapo…
Worcester, MA
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Worcester, MA
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Novice Schola: SCA Skills Day
Would you like to learn some medeival skills? Like wench tossing? Check out the Society for Creative Anachronism, which re-enacts ancienty times. 9am-7pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Would you like to learn some medeival skills? Like wench tossing? …
Springfield, MA
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Springfield, MA
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Northeast Henna and Bellydance Gathering
Henna is like the tattoo you don’t regret in the morning because it fades away. Some people like henna so much, they want to spend 3 days in workshops and lectures. I am not one of these people. My penis henna never washed off. (Click ‘more’ for details)Henna is like the tattoo you don’t regret in the morning…
Providence, RI
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Providence, RI
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Massachusetts Tattoo & Art Festival
I hope before you get “I’m SOooo DRUNK” tattooed on your bicep that you’ve given some thought to whether you’ll still want it at age 60. If you are going to BOTH the floral show AND an Easter Egg Hunt with kids, write me. You are one party animal. (Click ‘more’ for details)I hope before you get “I’m SOooo DRUNK” tattooed on your …
Sturbridge, MA
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Sturbridge, MA
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There’s nothing better at a convention of sweet geeky guys who would probably make good fathers than to be a woman… Except for all the attention. Here’s a fantasy, science fiction, gaming, and anime convention just for the ladies. Ohhhhhh, laydies. You know you want your own convention. Yes you do. (Click ‘more’ for details)There’s nothing better at a convention of sweet geeky guys who would probably make good …
Northampton, MA
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Northampton, MA
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The Big Night
“Big Night” seems to be a guided night-time hike where people in costume will talk about animals. It’s meant for kids, but I tried something like this once and it was surprisingly fun for adults. And how many nighttime tours are there, really? There are a few other locations too. 5:30-9pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)“Big Night” seems to be a guided night-time hike where people in costume will talk abo…
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George W. Veditz American Sign Language Festi…
Northeastern hosts a series of ASL workshops that include a night of skits on Friday. This one time a deaf guy who was a lip reader tried to speak with me in a crowded room and it was so noisy that I COULD NOT HEAR HIM. Total reverse. Very frustrating, mostly for him, because he was asking me for something. Hopefully not where the bathroom was. (Click ‘more’ for details)Northeastern hosts a series of ASL workshops that in…
Boston, MA
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Boston, MA
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Revere Spring Carnival
You can tell that Spring is here when Fiesta Shows begins to bring their slightly hokey and overpriced but undeniably fun traveling carnivals to New England! This first one of the year is in Revere, and I’ll list the rest as well. (Click ‘more’ for details)You can tell that Spring is here when Fiesta Shows begins to bring their sligh…
Revere, MA
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Revere, MA
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The Week in Weird`

Topsfield Fools Kite Fly
Kite Festivals are full of engaging, inspiring people who can teach you to fly a stunt kite with two strings. You know it’s going to be a good kite festival when the entire description on the website reads Toppsfield. Taaaaaahhpps Feeeeeeled. Yeah, I’d like to feel some tops. 10am-2pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Kite Festivals are full of engaging, inspiring people who can teach you t…
Topsfield, MA
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Topsfield, MA
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The Week in Weird

Ben & Jerry’s Free Cone Day
The only thing better than free robots is free ice cream!! Yummy yummy yummy in my tummy tummy tummy! :). (Click ‘more’ for details)The only thing better than free robots is free ice cream!! Yummy yumm…
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Also Fun

Hundred Nights Masquerade Ball
Do not dress as a bag lady or wino at this masquerade ball to benefit the homeless. It does not play well. Um, so a friend told me. 6pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Do not dress as a bag lady or wino at this masquerade ball to benefit t…
Keene, NH
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Keene, NH
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Sheep need shearing. You get to watch! Can I bring my own scissors? 10am-4pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Sheep need shearing. You get to watch! Can I bring my own scissors? 10am-4pm.
Lincoln, MA
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Lincoln, MA
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Nowruz Without Borders: Intercultural Mixer
What is Nowruz? It is important like Christmas or unimportant like Flag Day? I don’t know, but it’s a great chance to meet some muslims, and broaden your worldview. 6:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)What is Nowruz? It is important like Christmas or unimpor…
Boston, MA
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Boston, MA
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Learning From Insects: How Our World is Shape…
Better brush up on this topic before the killer bees get here… Ooh! And it comes with a reception afterwards. 6pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Better brush up on this topic before the killer b…
Cambridge, MA
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Cambridge, MA
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Evolutionary Medicine at 20: Not yet Mature, …
Dr. Nesse apparently is a proponent that evolution should be taught in medical school. Are there medical schools that deny evolution?? Where are these medical schools and how can I avoid their doctors?? 6pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Dr. Nesse apparently is a proponent that evolutio…
Cambridge, MA
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Cambridge, MA
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Music of the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands: Perform…
The guy performing is called Dr. Loco. THAT IS TOTALLY AWESOME! Dr. Loco! Dr. Loco! I want to dance to Dr. Loco! And there’s a social mixer, and it’s at the Harvard Peabody Museum, so it’s brainy. Brainy and loco. 6pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)The guy performing is called Dr. Loco. THAT IS TO…
Cambridge, MA
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Cambridge, MA
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Every Vote Counts
Did you know that 2012 is an election year? You’re either a news junkie or… You don’t care at all until August at the earliest. Well, if you’re in the former category, go hear two politicos talk shop. 7pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Did you know that 2012 is an election year? You’re either a news junkie or… Yo…
Cambridge, MA
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Cambridge, MA
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There’s a slush competition at Mount Sunapee, with a live concert by the Barenaked Ladies. It’s outdoorsy and will feature melting snow and adventure vendors. (Click ‘more’ for details)There’s a slush competition at Mount Sunapee, with a live concert by the Barenaked Ladies. …
Newbury, NH
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Newbury, NH
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Wild & Scenic Film Festival
This film festival includes live music, dinner and an awards ceremony, and kid stuff like puppetmaking. 11am-4pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)This film festival includes live music, dinner and an awards ceremony…
Boston, MA
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Boston, MA
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Boston Underground Film Festival
Jesus! The first films featured are Cannibal Holocaust and Shogun Assassin and it just gets crazier from there, with 4 parties and plenty of director & celebrity Q&As to beef up this film marathon into a real fest! (Click ‘more’ for details)Jesus! The first films featured are Cannibal Holocaust and Shogun…
Cambridge, MA
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Cambridge, MA
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World of Wheels
I don’t normally list this big expo center commercial stuff, but they’ll have B-list celebrities and random blue collar stuff like a “Pin Up Girl Contest”. Bring your own pins. (Click ‘more’ for details)I don’t normally list this big expo center commercial stuff, but they’ll have B-list …
Boston, MA
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Boston, MA
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Easter Egg Hunts

Spring Egg Hunt at Pope John Paul II Park
It’s not Easter yet — that’s next weekend. And if you’ve got a church, you know where to go. If not, I list more secular Easter Egg events in New England than anyone else! Here is the first one. 11am. (Click ‘more’ for details)It’s not Easter yet — that’s next weekend. And if you’…
Dorchester, MA
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Dorchester, MA
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Easter Scavenger Hunt & Easter Bunny
Easter also takes place at this mall. My attitude with malls is, get in, get the chocolate, get out. Except there’s no chocolate, just juice from Ocean Spray. Why am I listing this?? Well, the Easter Bunny will show up for free photos. (Click ‘more’ for details)Easter also takes place at this mall. My attitude with mall…
Foxboro, MA
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Foxboro, MA
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Topsfield Egg Hunt
I am 6’4″, so unlike little kids, I can see Easter Eggs far away, plus I’m pretty sure I can outrun them. 9:30am. (Click ‘more’ for details)I am 6’4″, so unlike little kids, I can see Easter Eggs far away, plus I’m pret…
Topsfield, MA
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Topsfield, MA
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Spring Egg Hunt & Bunny Breakfast at Litt…
This one includes a pancake breakfast and they have prizes that go beyond eggs. 9-11am. (Click ‘more’ for details)This one includes a pancake breakfast and they ha…
Littleton, MA
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Littleton, MA
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Easter Egg Hunt – Hingham, MA
This one’s in Hingham. 12:30-2pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)This one’s in Hingham. 12:30-2pm.
Hingham, MA
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Hingham, MA
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Easter Egg Hunt — Winslow Farm
Also in the “it’s not that holiday time” category, this week Winslow Farm begins Easter early. They have perhaps the most interesting secular Easter egg celebration because they are a working farm with forest trails. (Click ‘more’ for details)Also in the “it’s not that holiday time” category, this week Winslow …
Norton, MA
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Norton, MA
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Town of Norton’s Annual Spring Egg Hunt
This one’s definitely outdoors, and the Easter Bunny will make an appearance. (Click ‘more’ for details)This one’s definitely outdoors, and the Easter Bunny will mak…
Norton, MA
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Norton, MA
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Annual City Easter Egg Hunt – Taunton, RI
I’m in! This one has an Easter egg hunt that allows adults to assist kids. I’m quite sure I can beat out a bunch of 4-year-olds. I mean, um, “assist” my “teammate” in doing so. (Click ‘more’ for details)I’m in! This one has an Easter egg hunt that allows adults…
Taunton, MA
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Taunton, MA
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Easter Egg Hunt – Swansea, MA
There’s no listing and the website is dead, but I called to confirm this one! (Click ‘more’ for details)There’s no listing and the website is dead, but I called to confirm th…
Swansea, MA
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Swansea, MA
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Camouflaged Egg Hunt – Smithfield
Kids ages 3 to 10 hunt for brown eggs in a natural setting instead of painted eggs, to learn about camouflage. Bring a basket. Rain or shine. Also at other Rhode Island parks. 10-11am. (Click ‘more’ for details)Kids ages 3 to 10 hunt for brown eggs in a natural setting inst…
Smithfield, RI
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Smithfield, RI
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Camouflaged Egg Hunt – Exeter
Kids ages 3 to 10 hunt for brown eggs in a natural setting instead of painted eggs, to learn about camouflage. Bring a basket. Rain or shine. Also at other Rhode Island parks. 10-10:30am. (Click ‘more’ for details)Kids ages 3 to 10 hunt for brown eggs in a natural setting instead of p…
Exeter, RI
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Exeter, RI
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Camouflaged Egg Hunt – Bristol
Kids ages 3 to 10 hunt for brown eggs in a natural setting instead of painted eggs, to learn about camouflage. Bring a basket. Rain or shine. Also at other Rhode Island parks. 9:30-10:30am. (Click ‘more’ for details)Kids ages 3 to 10 hunt for brown eggs in a natural setting instead of…
Bristol, RI
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Bristol, RI
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Easter Egg Hunt – Westerly, RI
Or, if you’re in Rhode Island, go to this park instead. I have a huge height and speed advantage over 5-year-olds. I’m quite sure I can collect more eggs than anyone! 1pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Or, if you’re in Rhode Island, go to this park instead. I have a hug…
Westerly, RI
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Westerly, RI
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Easter Egg Hunt at Charmingfare Farm
But this farm says they’ll give out $75,000 in prizes!! Really?! I’m definitely staking out the place the night before with infrared goggles and entering my “little person” adult friend Jason as a “6 year old”. Go get ’em, Jason! (Click ‘more’ for details)But this farm says they’ll give out $75,000 in prizes!! Really?!…
Candia, NH
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Candia, NH
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Easter Egg Hunt – Greenwich, CT
This one’s definitely outdoors, too. 10am. Rain date the next day. (Click ‘more’ for details)This one’s definitely outdoors, too. 10am. Rain date the next day….
Greenwich, CT
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Greenwich, CT
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Children’s Easter Party
Hmm. This one seems to be indoors. 1-3pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Hmm. This one seems to be indoors. 1-3pm.
Milford, CT
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Milford, CT
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Easter Egg Extravaganza – Maine
This one has an entire parade, and it’s free! 10am-1pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)This one has an entire parade, and it’s free! 10am-1pm.
Old Orchard Beach, ME
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Old Orchard Beach, ME
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Futurity – our review
This is a Civil War sci-fi musical. OMG!!! A Civil War sci-fi musical! Oh Civil War sci-fi musical, you had me at “Civil War sci-fi musical”. And everything at Club Oberon is awesome. Click for our review – 4 out of 5 stars! (Click ‘more’ for details)This is a Civil War sci-fi musical. OMG!!! A Civil War sci-fi musical! Oh Ci…
Cambridge, MA
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Cambridge, MA
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An Evening of Kabuki Dance
So Kabuki is not Japanese burlesque. How did I get that idea?? Anyway… they’ll perform three beautiful and dramatic dance-plays. 7-8:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)So Kabuki is not Japanese burlesque. How did I get that idea?? Anyway… t…
Boston, MA
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Boston, MA
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Race, Rage and Redemption + Harriet Tubman’s …
There’s a free reception and play to welcome an new exhibition at the Mark Twain House on slavery, and a free theatre show about Harriet Tubman, whom I respect too much to make a comment about. Never call a woman ‘Tub’. I have learned this. 5:30-9pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)There’s a free reception and play to welcome an ne…
Hartford, CT
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Hartford, CT
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Have you heard of the Mythbusters? They wrestle with the truth or falsehood of the really important questions in life, such as, “Should I microwave that hand grenade?” They are doing a lecture and some kind of interactive show with on-stage experiments. (Click ‘more’ for details)Have you heard of the Mythbusters? They wrestle with the truth or falsehood of the real…
Hartford, CT
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Hartford, CT
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Let me build you a website!
Need a website? I just built the official website for Liv Tyler’s new film. Hire me to build yours on the cheap! Email (Click ‘more’ for details)Need a website? I just built the official website for Liv Tyler’s new fil…
Boston, MA
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Boston, MA
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