Jan 3-10, 2012: Meteors, Hot Tub, Boston Celtic Music Festival, 5 Full Moon Hikes, Medieval Feast, Christmas Tree Bonfire
01/03/12 by
Johnny Monsarrat
This Week in Review

Happy New Year! We’re now in the two-month slump where there are fewer Events INSIDER gems. I continue to work on the format of the website. Let me know if it doesn’t work or if you have any ideas, at johnny@eventsINSIDER.com. Thanks!
I hope you are having an awesome week. Now get out there and do something fun!

Watson Adventures Murd…
The best way to see the MFA? Play a scavenger hunt game run by Watson Adventures. I have two tickets for a giveaway for the January 7 Murder at the Art Museum Hunt and you’ll find a lot more all over New England this Spring! Email johnny@eventsINSIDER.com to win. (Click again for details)The best way to see the MFA? Play a scavenger hunt game run by Watson Adventures. I have two tic…
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA

East Heaven Hot Tub – tix giveaway
Didn’t win the last two weeks? East Heaven has a rooftop hot tub and a variety of spa servics. I’m giving away one last half hour tub for two (indoor or out), valid Mon-Fri in January! Email johnny@eventsINSIDER.com. (Click again for details)Didn’t win the last two weeks? East Heaven has a rooftop hot tub and a variety of spa servi…
33 West St, Northampton, MA
33 West St, Northampton, MA

Cirque Shanghai Bai Xi – tix giveaway
It really doesn’t get any better than the Hanover Theatre, which this week features three giveaways! First up, i have 4 tix for the Jan 5, 7pm show of Chinese acrobats, contortionists, and martial arts, all set to lights and music. Email johnny@eventsinsider.com to win. (Click again for details)It really doesn’t get any better than the Hanover Theatre, which th…
Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St, Worcester, MA
Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St, Worcester, MA

Arrival – The Music of…
ABBA is the 4th best selling rock group of all time, and I have 4 tix for the tribute band to give away! Email johnny@eventsinsider.com to win! 7:30pm. (Click again for details)ABBA is the 4th best selling rock group of all time, and I have 4 tix for the t…
Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St, Worcester, MA
Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St, Worcester, MA

Boston Celtic Music Festival & Dance Party
It’s not just a concert! The Boston Celtic Music Festival features a parade and participatory dancing and singing as well as stage acts of dance and music. It’s highly creative with events like the “Bawdy Breakfast” and Michael Jackson tunes re-interpreted as Scottish music. (Click again for details)It’s not just a concert! The Boston Celtic Music Festival features a parade a…
Various Venues, Cambridge, MA
Various Venues, Cambridge, MA

Chinatown Main Street …
Boston’s Chinatown is holding an authentic dinner to celebrate New Years’, with martial arts and dance performances. But this is not the real street festival, still to come. I’ll remind you later. (Click again for details)Boston’s Chinatown is holding an authentic dinner to celebrate New Years’, with martial arts and dance per…
Chinatown, Boston, MA
Chinatown, Boston, MA

Quadtrantids Meteor Sh…
Meteor showers aren’t always easy to see, but this one should be great! Go someplace without any city lights, like a large field or lake, and bring someone you can chat with while waiting, because the Quadtrantids are unpredictable. (Click again for details)Meteor showers aren’t always easy to see, but this one should be great! Go someplace without any city lights, like …

Waterfire Celebration
Waterfire is when they light bonfires in racks all along the Providence River downtown. It’s beautiful and well worth a visit, if you are already in the area. (Click again for details)Waterfire is when they light bonfires in racks all along the Providence River downtown. It’s beautiful and well wor…
Providence, RI
Providence, RI

Moby Dick – The Marathon
Here’s a gem. People gather and listen to a nonstop reading of Herman Melville’s classic, Moby Dick. It takes 25 hours and there is a buffer and lecture beforehand. (Click again for details)Here’s a gem. People gather and listen to a nonstop reading of Herman Melville’s clas…
New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, MA
New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, MA

Christmas Tree Bonfire…
This week’s top items are below, or see the complete Boston Events Insider.
And a lot more this week at Boston Events Insider, the most popular events blog in New England, including:
Owl Moon
Full Moon Hike
Full Moon Hike
MIT IAP (Independent Activities Period)
Providence Bright Nights – our review
Winter Trails Day
Fetes De Rois (Feast of the Kings)
Adaptive Skating-Games on Ice
Cape Codder “Not-So Polar” Plunge
Copenhagen by Michael Frayn
A Revels Twelfth Night Celebration – Watertown, MA
Medieval Feast
Full Ice Moon Hike at Knox Preserve
Mystic Seaport to Host Pub Sing and Chantey Blast in Support of Sea Music Festival
Free First Saturday at Lyman Allyn Art Museum