If you get Events INSIDER by RSS Feed
09/17/12 by
Johnny Monsarrat
Hey gang,
An astute reader pointed out to me that not everyone gets Events INSIDER by email or wants to. Some of you subscribe by RSS. Here is the plan. I would like to become a bit more chatty on RSS, putting up all the theatre reviews and special events, as well as the weekly summary that sends you to the website.
RSS feeds confuse me, so if there are any experts out there, get in touch. In any case, I am walking away from Feedburner and towards Aweber. So I just need to get all that hooked up and then I will be blogging away. 🙂
Please email me at johnny@eventsinsider.com if you can help.
Thanks and have a great day! This week’s Events INSIDER Is up at < a href="http://bostonevents.org">www.bostonevents.org!