February 6-14, 2012: 15 Creative Valentine’s Day Ideas, Lincoln & Darwin re-enactments, Chinese New Year, Sex at the Zoo!
02/06/12 by
Johnny Monsarrat
This Week in Review

You can do a lot better than just going to a restaurant for Valentine’s Day. Most of the interactive, creative events that I write about make a good outing, but this week I feature some especially romantic stuff. We are almost up to 2,000 members in the Facebook group. Please click and click “add friends to group” on the right column!
I hope you are having an awesome week. Now get out there and do something fun!
The Week in Weird

Radium Girls – tix giveaway
A group of women, factory workers who paint radium on watches to make them glow, worry about glowing themselves in this play about labor law. I have one pair of tickets to give away for the Friday Feb 10th show at 8pm. Email johnny@eventsINSIDER.com to win! (Click ‘more’ for details)A group of women, factory workers who paint radium on watches to mak…
Curry Student Center, 346 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA
Curry Student Center, 346 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA

Let me build you a website!

Mortified Doomed Valentine’s Day Sh…
Don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day? Wish somebody would bury it? Join fellow mourners at this hilarious night of stand up comedy. The personal stories shared at Mortified are awkward but hilarious. And I have 2 pairs of tickets to give away. Email johnny@eventsINSIDER.com to win. 7:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day? Wish somebody would bu…
Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline, MA
Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline, MA

Celebrate Valentine’s Day… by bur…
But wait! It gets even better with a re-enactor portraying Edgar Allan Poe, reading some of his works about death and love in this anti-Valentine’s Day celebration. I have seen this re-enactor and trust me, DON’T MISS THIS. Two shows, 6pm and 8pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)But wait! It gets even better with a re-enactor portraying Edgar Allan Poe, reading some of his…
Cranston, RI
Cranston, RI

Forbes House Museum Lincoln Day
Not enough awesomeness? This historic home will have a re-enactor portraying Mary Todd Lincoln and they’ll have dozens of Civil War re-enactors! That’s always interesting. And they’ll have a concert of Civil War music. Hey Georgia, sorry about Tara. 1-4pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Not enough awesomeness? This historic home will have a re-enactor p…
Forbes House Museum, 215 Adams Street, Milton, MA
Forbes House Museum, 215 Adams Street, Milton, MA

Lowell’s WinterFest Celebration

Chinese New Year in Harvard Square
The Harvard Square Business Association puts on perhaps 30 events a year and this looks like one of the good ones. 1-4pm. It’s a Chinese New Year parade that starts at 1:30pm in Winthrop Park (corner of JFK and Mount Auburn) and marches to Mass Avenue to the Hong Kong restaurant. Then 2-4pm, the Hong Kong will have a cultural show with arts and crafts, performers, puppetry, dance, and more. (Click ‘more’ for details)The Harvard Square Business Association puts on perhap…
From JFK Street to the Hong Kong on Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
From JFK Street to the Hong Kong on Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA

Lunar New Year Festival
Happy Year of the Dragon. ROWOWRRR!! Quincy will have a lion dance and two stages of music and dance. Although the venue is a high school, the promotion is top rate and I would bet it’s worth a visit. And it’s free! 10:30am-4pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Happy Year of the Dragon. ROWOWRRR!! Quincy will have a lion dance and two stages of …
High School, 316 Hancock St, Quincy, MA
High School, 316 Hancock St, Quincy, MA

FIGMENT Kickoff on the Rose Kennedy…
The Greenway has plenty of sculptures, and there are five new ones involving interactive light and music opening with a celebration of dance and music. 2012: 6pm, followed by a social mixer at a nearby bar. At Chinatown Park (Between Beech st and Essex st.). (Click ‘more’ for details)The Greenway has plenty of sculptures, and there are five new ones involving intera…
Chinatown Park, Boston, MA
Chinatown Park, Boston, MA

Sex at the Zoo Lecture
There are so many zoo events just for kids that I urge you to get out and support this event for adults ages 21+. What a great idea for Valentine’s Day! 6-8:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)There are so many zoo events just for kids that I urge you to get out and support this event for…
Franklin Park Zoo, Boston, MA
Franklin Park Zoo, Boston, MA

The Darwin-Lincoln Birthday Forum

Darwin Day
Darwin is the scientist who discovered evolution, and he’s been smooshed so much by religious people that it’s time to unsmoosh and celebrate him. Join the secular students at Harvard for this social mixer open to the whole community. (Click ‘more’ for details)Darwin is the scientist who discovered evolution, and he’s been smooshed so much by religious people that it’s time to uns…
Cambridge, MA
Cambridge, MA

Darwin Day in Concord
Merrimack River Eagle Festival
Even though it’s the dead of winter, there are still festivals about! Come see live eagles and take a tour of a national park looking for wild ones. It’s free! 8:30am-4pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Even though it’s the dead of winter, there are still festivals about! Come see live eagles a…
Main Street, Amesbury, MA
Main Street, Amesbury, MA

Eagles at Quabbin

Stars and the Moons of Jupiter
Seeing the moons of Jupiter is one of the most awesome things you can do as an amateur astronomer. (Most everything else just looks like a blur.) Check out this outdoor evening event! 6:30-8:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Seeing the moons of Jupiter is one of the most awesome thin…
Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary, 280 Eliot Street, Natick, MA
Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary, 280 Eliot Street, Natick, MA

Black History Month Celebration
February is Black History Month, but there are few celebrations to mark it. This is one of them, with dance and music performances by local youth groups. 3pm. Free! (Click ‘more’ for details)February is Black History Month, but there are few celebrations to mark it. This is one …
85 W. Newton St., Boston, MA
85 W. Newton St., Boston, MA

Town of Greenfield Winter Carnival
Only a 90-minute drive from Boston, this Southern New Hampshire town will have a pancake breakfast, cardboard sled races, including for adults, night hike, dancing, snow sculptures, and a chili cook-off. It sounds like so much fun! (Click ‘more’ for details)Only a 90-minute drive from Boston, this Southern New Hampshire town will have a pancake breakfas…
Greenfield, NH
Greenfield, NH

Ice Harvesting & Winter Carniva…
This one is small but creative and it’s associated with a museum, which means they’ll have both an indoors to warm up and educational bits too. 11am-3pm. Sleigh & sled dog rides, snowball throwing contest, snowshoe obstacle course, ice cutting, etc. (Click ‘more’ for details)This one is small but creative and it’s associated with a …
Remick Museum, 58 Cleveland Hill Road, Tamworth, NH
Remick Museum, 58 Cleveland Hill Road, Tamworth, NH

Campfire Dining- – Newport Winter C…

Campfire Dining – Full Moon Fiesta

Owl Prowl at Fisherville Brook

Great Rotary Ice Fishing Derby

Jiffycon Live-Action Game Weekend
Annual Lincoln Birthday Brunch

Salem State University Darwin Festival…
Valentine’s Day

Sweet Romance: An Evening of Chocol…
Don’t do something boring for Valentine’s Day! My favorite re-enactment museum, Old Sturbridge Village, is holding an entire weekend of events, including this reading of love letters between former US President John Adams and his wife. You can sign up for a romantic Valentine’s Dinner too. 7pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Don’t do something boring for Valentine’s Day! My favorite re-enactment…
Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA
Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA

Love Letters by the Fire

Boston League of Women Wrestlers
Tired of wrestling with love on Valentine’s Day? Come see women wrestle each other in this hip, costumed-up, anime style performance that’s more for the literati than for WWF fans. It’s for charity. 8pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Tired of wrestling with love on Valentine’s Day? Come see women wrestle each other in…
Midway Café, Jamaica Plain, MA
Midway Café, Jamaica Plain, MA

“Cupid” Story Slam
Here’s another spoken word event about Valentine’s Day. Are you for it or against it? Is love eternal or does it die young? Or does it eternally die young? 6:30-9pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Here’s another spoken word event about Valentine’s Day. Are you for it or agai…
Doyle’s Cafe, 3484 Washington St, Jamaica Plain, MA
Doyle’s Cafe, 3484 Washington St, Jamaica Plain, MA

Romance at the Manse – Four Loves: …
Don’t just go to a restaurant for Valentine’s Day! See Nathanial Hawthorne re-enacted and hear four stories of love. Music, refreshments. Reserve in advance. 1pm and 3pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Don’t just go to a restaurant for Valentine’s Day! See Nathanial H…
The Old Manse, 269 Monument St, Concord, MA
The Old Manse, 269 Monument St, Concord, MA

Jane Austen Tours

Project Cupid Date Auction: Boston’…
You’ll find bachelors and bachelorettes up for “auction” at this charity fundraiser for cancer! If you buy me, will I go all the way? Wouldn’t you like to know. 6:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)You’ll find bachelors and bachelorettes up for “auction” at this charity…
The Estate, 1 Boylston Pl, Boston, MA
The Estate, 1 Boylston Pl, Boston, MA

Watson Adventures Naked at the Art …
Watson Adventures runs scavenger hunts where you go from place to place doing something cultural and touristy. Here’s one at the Museum of Fine Arts for Valentine’s Day! 1pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Watson Adventures runs scavenger hunts where you go from place to place doing …
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA

Valentine’s Day Ball w/ Latin Danci…

Chairlift Speed Dating
Wow! I love this creative concept. For Valentine’s Day, share the chairlift with another single as you go up to ski. But will you kiss before you get to the top? Live music, dating games, pick-up contest. 2-4pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Wow! I love this creative concept. For Valentine’s Day, share the chairlift with another single as…
Black Mountain, Jackson, NH
Black Mountain, Jackson, NH

Valentines Hike & Dessert for A…
Go for a guided hike and then enjoy dessert indoors before a roaring fire. Wow! Your partner will be impressed by this creative concept. You can pretend it was your idea, I don’t mind. (Click ‘more’ for details)Go for a guided hike and then enjoy dessert indoors before a roa…
Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center, Mystic, CT
Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center, Mystic, CT

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, “A…
I always put the less interesting things at the bottom. If you really need to do a cocktail event for Valentine’s Day, this is the one, at the Gardner Museum. It always sells out. Maybe you could buy a ticket for next year now. (Click ‘more’ for details)I always put the less interesting things at the bottom. If you really need to do a …
280 The Fenway, Boston, MA
280 The Fenway, Boston, MA

Also Fun

The Global Forests of Greenhouse Ea…
Did you know that the Arnold Arboretum is open all winter? When it snows, they plow the paths! Here’s a lecture on ancient forests and global warming. 7-8:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Did you know that the Arnold Arboretum is…
Hunnewell Building at the Arnold Arboretum, 125 Arborway, Boston, MA
Hunnewell Building at the Arnold Arboretum, 125 Arborway, Boston, MA

United We Stand
The Young Black Women’s Society is having a lecture and networking event in honor of African-American History Month. They’ll have a guest speaker talking about the importance of voting and making your voice heard. Can I come if I’m not a young black woman, but an old white man? I suppose so? 6-9pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)The Young Black Women’s Society is having a lecture and networking event in honor of…
The Bell in Hand Tavern, 45 Union St, Boston, MA
The Bell in Hand Tavern, 45 Union St, Boston, MA

The Story of Ice Harvesting at Wald…

Hike Beneath the Hunger Moon
Here’s another guided night hike, with the full moon providing light. I’m sure it will be beautiful, and the Blue Hills are the highest peak within a quick drive from Boston. 6-8pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Here’s another guided night hike, with the full moon providing light. I’m sure it will be beautif…
Blue Hills, Canton, MA
Blue Hills, Canton, MA

Follow the Snow Moon

Terrible and Charismatic Waste: A C…
Plastic doesn’t break down very well in rough weather and there’s way too much of it in the oceans. Come learn more at this lecture, followed by a public reception. 6pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Plastic doesn’t break down very well in rough weather and there…
Peabody Museum, 11 Divinity Ave, Cambridge, MA
Peabody Museum, 11 Divinity Ave, Cambridge, MA

Full Moon Tour: Living in the Dark
Before there was electric lighting, people had to use infrared vision and sonar to get around. Come explore this 19th century adaptation at this historic home. 7:30pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)Before there was electric lighting, people had to use infrared vision and sonar to get…
52 Gore Street, Waltham, MA
52 Gore Street, Waltham, MA

Boston Sci-Fi Film Festival
Also geeky is an SF film festival in Somerville. I can’t tell from the website — which is terrible — if there will be anything interactive and social, or just the films. Guys!! Just list your schedule, with a clear menu button, and not in blog format, how about a table with times and dates! (Click ‘more’ for details)Also geeky is an SF film festival in Somerville. I can’t tell from th…
Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville, MA

Getting Arabian at the Knights
I’ve seen this medeival music group perform and they are hilarious and wonderfully inventive in how they serve up the middle ages. This event will also have bellydancing, and it’s all for charity! 7pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)I’ve seen this medeival music group perform and they are hilarious and wonde…
Abraham Lincoln Post #11, Charlestown, MA
Abraham Lincoln Post #11, Charlestown, MA

Full Moon Snowshoe Hike

Winter Tracking Hike at Belle Isle

Full Moon Hike

I Love The Nightlife: Howls and Owl…

Owl Moon

Barred Owls and Breakfast
I would love to eat owls for breakfast. Oh wait, this is a guided tour. At 5 in the morning?? Can’t we go track the owls who are awake at more like noon? 5am-8am. (Click ‘more’ for details)I would love to eat owls for breakfast. Oh wait, this is a …
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary, 87 Perkins Row, Topsfield, MA
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary, 87 Perkins Row, Topsfield, MA

Winter CAMPfire and Open House

Chili Cook-Off at the Newport Harbo…

Winter Trails Day

Boston Globe Travel Show
If you’d like to travel but aren’t sure where to start, start here. I haven’t been but I bet it’s a real eye-opener about how to stretch your money, if you don’t need total luxury. And they’ll include celebrity chefs and live animal shows for God knows what reason. (Click ‘more’ for details)If you’d like to travel but aren’t sure where to start, start here. I haven’t been bu…
Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, MA
Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, MA

Salem’s So Sweet Chocolate & Ic…
This is more of an exhibit of ice sculptures and some commercial discounts than a real event, but there is a wine tasting Feb 10th. And besides, do you really need an excuse to visit historic Salem in the off-season? (Click ‘more’ for details)This is more of an exhibit of ice sculptures and some commercial discounts than a real event, but …
Salem, MA
Salem, MA

Grace Chapel’s Annual WinterBlast
I’m not too big on church events, but they had a mechanical bull once! How about this year? They’ll have a moonbounce and martial arts demonstrations too. That’s pretty weird. And it’s free! 10am-3pm. (Click ‘more’ for details)I’m not too big on church events, but they had a mechanical b…
Community Life Center, 59 Worthen Road, Lexington, MA
Community Life Center, 59 Worthen Road, Lexington, MA

Miss Representation Film – MIT Sloa…

MIT Neuroscientist Sebastian Seung …

There Will Be Flood
In the future, an ancient prophecy has come true and a massive flood threatens to destroy the world! This musical romp will feature a lot of guys in drag, I assume. (Click ‘more’ for details)In the future, an ancient prophecy has come true and a massive flood threatens to destroy th…
Hasty Pudding Theatre, Cambridge, MA
Hasty Pudding Theatre, Cambridge, MA

Happy Medium Theatre Presents ELECT…

Karim Nagi presents ARABIZED

The Game of Love: A Medeival Concer…

69 S (The Shackleton Project)
What happens when you travel to the South Pole and get stuck there for winter? This actually happened to Shackleton and here’s a performance honoring that with theatre, dance, film, and even puppets. So, it’s either going to be exceptionally bad or truly awesome. (Click ‘more’ for details)What happens when you travel to the South Pole and get stuck there for …
Paramount Center, 559 Washington St, Boston, MA
Paramount Center, 559 Washington St, Boston, MA

Civil War Music With Dixon’s Gold

Lincoln-Douglas 1958 Debates Reenac…

Charles Darwin Birthday Celebration…

Full Storm Moon

USM Winter Carnival

Freezin’ For A Reason – Portland, M…
Lovin’ Ludlow Winter Carnival

Milton Community Winter Festival