Daily Update 4/9/10: More Weird Hobbies! More Weekend Update!
Please vote again for the Wheel Questions art project. You can vote every day through April and help us win $25,000 to spread community art.
More weekend updates: Hancock Shaker Village, a re-eactment museum that shows the lives of the Shakers, has live animals and is doing a “baby animals” festival. Not overly creative, but so cute! And I need to get my fix somewhere, after learning that Davis Farmland, my favorite, doesn’t let adults into the petting zoo without a kid in tow. Also, Shakespeare and the Language that Shaped a World is some kind of interactive theatre show, and last week, I forgot to mention Sky Dive New England, in Lebanon, Maine, which they claim is 75 minutes’ drive away, but is probably closer to 90 minutes’ drive.
So here are some more places to go for weird hobbies. I don’t want to clutter up this email with links, so google them. If you want to try horseback riding, I was not able to find a lot of places that let you just come for the day and then go. Most places want you to sign up for lessons. However, I would suggest Windkist, in North Andover, the Blue Hills Riding Center in Quincy, and the Boston Equestrian Center, which despite the name is actually just south of Worcester in Oxford, MA.

And what if you’d like to go hot tubbing? It turns out there’s only one place in Metro Boston to go, unless you want to pay for an entire hotel room (for example, at the Charles Hotel in Cambridge). It’s Inman Oasis, in Cambridge, MA. You can reserve a private room in advance, or you can just show up and join their common room. Speaking of common room, they’re not exactly hot tubs, but I’ve discovered some steam baths near Boston! There’s Banya Russian Bath House in Allston, Dillon’s Russian Steam Bath in Chelsea, and Finland Steam Baths in Quincy. Yes, I will most definitely want to be getting sweaty with these muscular men. (And this is a pic from the Finland bath. Just think about the Russian bath!!)

Finally, because I’m busy today, here are a few places to go to learn how to juggle. (Or just to watch.) They are local hobby clubs that welcome newbies to just show up and say hello. They include: The Boston Juggling Club, the Harvard Juggling Club, and the MIT Juggling Club, all of which meet in Cambridge, MA. I went once and failed to learn to juggle, but enjoyed myself watching!

I’m doing my best here to bring you good content. Please take 30 seconds and vote again. As always, the full Johnny’s List of Weird Boston Events is at www.WeirdBostonEvents.org. I’ll give up blogging daily and go back to weekly around May 1st. Thanks!