Contact Johnny Monsarrat / Add an Event

Email Johnny Monsarrat to add an event or win tickets:

I read every event description I get! And if you use my name so I know it’s not a form letter, I will reply back to you and say hello.

Johnny Monsarrat
7 Oak Avenue
Belmont, MA 02478

Johnny Monsarrat
My world record setting
community art project

About Johnny Monsarrat

I’m Johnny Monsarrat, an MIT alumnus (BA, MBA) best known for founding Turbine, Inc., which became the biggest privately held videogames company in North America and was purchased by Warner Brothers. After Turbine, I ran a strategic consultancy helping startups grow bigger.

Today my passion is running Hard Data Factory, of which Events INSIDER is a service. Hard Data Factory is about to launch a huge Web calendar listing more than 25,000 events per month per metro, from anywhere in the world you want. Need to monetize your website? Plug our calendar into your website and we both earn revenue when visitors buy tickets.

Hard Data Factory also sells sales leads, and business intelligence data. If your business needs data, give us a call and see Boston’s largest calendar of high-tech and business networking events, packed into a free mobile app for the iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android.

I also run an inspirational public art project called Wheel Questions, an outdoor kiosk where people ask questions and I write answers. Together we set a world record for advice-giving. Recently I managed a giant charity walk and carnival to help prevent suicide. See The Boston Monster March.

Boston Events Guide is a labor of love, but a huge amount of work, and it means a lot when people drop me a note. Please email

The party boy in the Events INSIDER logo is used with permission of