Events INSIDER is the largest all-digital news magazine for the arts and tourism in New England. We were founded in the Boston Globe as a resident contractor, have been independent since 2015, and are now larger on social media than Boston Globe Events.

Find us on Twitter and Facebook, see our sample reviews, and below are our reviews of attractions, performances, restaurants, hotels, and other travel destinations!


Johnny’s List of Weird Boston Events: 2/09/09
It's Valentine's Day on Saturday. Whether you embrace it, or you just want all the happy people to shut up (which is me this yea
February 8, 2009
This just in! More Weird Boston Events
This just in! I track 1600 events a year but sometimes I miss one, or they don't post any information until too late in the wee
February 5, 2009
Johnny’s List of Weird Boston Events: 2/02/09
I changed the main website to but everything should still be working without your needing to do any
February 2, 2009
Johnny’s New England Manifesto 2009: Why to Be Proud!
Are you glum about New England in the winter? Taking flack from your wimpy friends from California and Florida? I have just pub
January 26, 2009
Johnny Monsarrat New England Manifesto 2012
I'm tired of soft out-of-staters who whine about New England, and the Yankees who let them. We Yanks are stoic. We know we're bet
January 25, 2009
Johnny’s List of Weird Boston Events: 01/25/09
The Week in Weird Harvard Square Winter Carnival Chili Cook-Off & VolleyballJan 31Boston Metro The weird event of
January 25, 2009
Johnny’s List of Weird Boston Events: 01/18/09
It's Inauguration Week! Enjoy it. :) -Johnny The Week in Weird Inauguration Day at Kennedy School of Government
January 18, 2009
Johnny’s List of Quirky Boston Events: 1/12/09
Martin Luther King Day is coming up. Enjoy the long weekend! I'll blog about Inauguration Day activities (Jan 20) next week.
January 12, 2009
Events Insider Lets You Know What to Do in Boston & Beyond
Bring a friend to the movies and you might as well be alone. You're sitting right next to each other, but not interacting. What ab
December 28, 2008
New Years Eve & First Night Parades near Boston, Massachusetts: 12/28/08
The big event of the week is New Years Eve and I'll be so disappointed if you go to a bar where the "New Years Celebration" is
December 28, 2008